@eisa_almaliki: الخيانة تُعتبر من أصعب التجارب العاطفية، ومن الصعب المسامحة فيها لأنها تهدم الثقة وتترك أثراً عميقاً. قد يكون من المستحيل أحياناً تجاوز هذه التجربة، والقرار في النهاية يعود لك ولقدرتك على التعافي وحماية نفسك. #الخيانة #الثقة #العلاقات #تجارب_عاطفية #المسامحة #الصدمات_العاطفية #تجاوز_الألم #النمو_الذاتي #fyp

Eisa AlMaliki
Eisa AlMaliki
Open In TikTok:
Region: AE
Saturday 05 October 2024 17:35:34 GMT




Jackie Juju 🇮🇶🇦🇺 :
2024-10-28 09:11:06
💕✨✨ :
حسبي الله على زوجي اللهم انتقم منه اشد انتقام😔
2024-10-06 13:58:49
💖 :
اي والله حتى أنا مش متقبله خيانات زوجي وموقادره أسامحه رغم اعتذر وتغير وكل الناس تقلي سامحي واعطي فرصه بس مش قادره وماشيه بمعامله الطلاق وطبعا هو حب يكسرني باولادي مع انو هم كبار
2024-10-08 06:43:28
Joory🌹 :
انشهد الخيانة ماراح اسامح فيها ولاراح اغفرها
2024-10-06 08:33:14
🤩🤩🤩 :
لا اسامح لا دنيا و لا آخرة. حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل فيه
2024-10-06 15:38:39
ورد :
الله لايسامح زوجي ولا يوفقه وينتقم منه دنيا وآخره
2024-10-10 20:51:44
lolita :
الخائن لا يتوب ولا يستحق فرصةثانية لان الغدر يجري في دمه
2024-10-10 15:53:24
- :
الحمدلله انفصلت عنه 🤝 حسيت بكرامتي رجعت لي
2024-10-07 16:58:16
Attia Mo Gerrero 🇪🇬 :
الخائن لا يتوب ولا يستحق فرصةثانية لان الغدر يجري في دمه
2024-10-17 20:37:10
💎🦋 :
لعد ليش اذا زوج خان المره تسامح مليون مره بس اذا المره غلطت مثل غلط زوج ما يسامح
2024-10-07 09:18:24
mhamad :
الخيانة قرار، والخائن سيُعيد الكرة عندما تتوفر الظروف،لا تعاود اعطاء الثقة سيفعلها ولو جعلته متربع على عرش الاولويات.
2024-10-26 15:58:52
Alhashmi.12 :
انا انخنت و انغدرت ولا اعرف انه الي حولي يحبوني ولا لا😥
2024-10-06 20:15:03
ن ن :
والله لن اسامحه لا بهذه دينا ولا اخرة لان كسر قلبي واهماله لي وستغيلين كثير وهسة مع غيري 💔🥺هو مرتاح حياته
2024-10-07 21:30:26
ثيقتي بربي تكفيني :
حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل فيه
2024-10-07 18:42:06
Souma Saad :
2024-10-06 07:02:28
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Elder (Sambucus spp.) grows in the wild throughout the world! You can use iNaturalist and search for “Sambucus” to see if it occurs in your area! Inevitably some people will raise alarms about elder’s toxicity. I think the concerns are generally far overexaggerated! Elderberry does contain some levels of cyanogenic glycosides, CNGS, (usually most in the seeds) like MANY members of the rose family. A study on American Elderberry (Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis) found far less CNGs in the tissue of elder that people consume (juice, skin, etc.) than many imagine. (Cyanogenic Glycoside Analysis in American Elderberry - Appenteng et. al, 2021) I’m working on a full video on this subject, so we’ll discuss more later! Nonetheless, when I eat elder, I make a syrup/jelly and I don’t include the seeds anyway. Please also remember that “edible” does not mean RAW and it does NOT mean all parts of the plant! If someone tells you “potato is edible” it does not mean that you should run off and cook potato greens! I only ever consume the flowers or berries of elder. If you’re after the berries, you won’t mistake elder for water hemlock, instead you could mistake it for something like Devil’s walking stick, Aralia spinosa (which we’ll do a video about this year!) If you are after the flowers (as I often am for making sparkling wine) then a beginner certainly may mistake the elder for water hemlock, so make sure that you know your distinguishing characteristics! Be safe, be feral, keep foraging! #foraging #elder #sambucus #elderberry #wildfruit #plantidentification #botany #nature #cicuta #waterhemlock
Elder (Sambucus spp.) grows in the wild throughout the world! You can use iNaturalist and search for “Sambucus” to see if it occurs in your area! Inevitably some people will raise alarms about elder’s toxicity. I think the concerns are generally far overexaggerated! Elderberry does contain some levels of cyanogenic glycosides, CNGS, (usually most in the seeds) like MANY members of the rose family. A study on American Elderberry (Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis) found far less CNGs in the tissue of elder that people consume (juice, skin, etc.) than many imagine. (Cyanogenic Glycoside Analysis in American Elderberry - Appenteng et. al, 2021) I’m working on a full video on this subject, so we’ll discuss more later! Nonetheless, when I eat elder, I make a syrup/jelly and I don’t include the seeds anyway. Please also remember that “edible” does not mean RAW and it does NOT mean all parts of the plant! If someone tells you “potato is edible” it does not mean that you should run off and cook potato greens! I only ever consume the flowers or berries of elder. If you’re after the berries, you won’t mistake elder for water hemlock, instead you could mistake it for something like Devil’s walking stick, Aralia spinosa (which we’ll do a video about this year!) If you are after the flowers (as I often am for making sparkling wine) then a beginner certainly may mistake the elder for water hemlock, so make sure that you know your distinguishing characteristics! Be safe, be feral, keep foraging! #foraging #elder #sambucus #elderberry #wildfruit #plantidentification #botany #nature #cicuta #waterhemlock
