@harapeko_jpn: 圧巻のビジュアル!特大みたらし団子のピラミッド! 店名:おとぎの蔵 豆の樹 最寄り駅:東岡崎駅(愛知) お団子はほんのり焦げがつくまで焼き上げほどよい甘さのタレをどっぷりつけてくれる時にドボンという音と浸かる様子はまさに至福!🍡 モッチモチ食感で香ばしい香りの団子にたっぷりと特製タレが絡んでいてまさに至極の一品でした! みたらし団子は1本100円でした🍡 住所:愛知県岡崎市竜美南2-6-11 最寄り駅:東岡崎駅から車で7分 営業時間:9時半から18時 定休日:第3火曜日、水曜日 A stunning visual! A pyramid of extra-large mitarashi dango! Store name: Otogi no Kura Mame no Ki Nearest station: Higashi-Okazaki Station (Aichi) The dango is grilled until it is slightly burnt, and then it is doused in a sauce with just the right amount of sweetness. The sound of it splashing and the way it is soaked is just blissful! 🍡 The chewy and fragrant dango is covered in a generous amount of special sauce, making it a truly exquisite dish! The mitarashi dango was 100 yen per stick 🍡 Address: 2-6-11 Ryumi Minami, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture Nearest station: 7 minutes by car from Higashi-Okazaki Station Opening hours: 9:30 to 18:00 Closed: 3rd Tuesday and Wednesday #愛知グルメ #tiktokfood #japanesefood