@warriorcollective: One of themost recent full length instructional volumes to the hit the Warrior Marketplace is the third in an ever expanding series from Muay Thai world champion, globally renowned fighter and Left Hand Muay Thai über coach Greg Wootton. With notable wins over the likes of Petchboonchu FA Group, Greg’s highly cerebral approach to fighting and coaching has led to him being sought after the world over from fighters wishing to take advantage of his vast experience!! “Muay Thai Fighting - Controlling Opponents at Every Range” showcases his unique approach when it comes to controlling the fight through physical controls, positioning and dominant angles. In this clip taken from it, Greg (alongside the equally brilliant Nathan Foster) goes over details covering one way he likes to off-balance his opponents whilst blocking low kicks during sparring or fighting! As you might imagine, this volume is absolutely cram packed with a wide array of striking and Muay Thai brilliance. Visit www.warriorcollective.co.uk to learn more!! Grab yourself a copy, take your Muay Thai training to the next level and then make sure you smash the follow button on Greg, Nathan and Left Hand Muay Thai across all social media today 🔥🔥🥋🥷 #muaythai #muaythaifighter #muaythaitraining #warriorcollective