@lacey.compass: Here is my prediction for what will happen to the housing market if Kamala Harris wins the Presidential election this November. #dallasrealestate #dallasrealtor #laceyrealtor #realestateinvesting
That's a lie vanguard Black Rock fought up 40% of the properties in this country I've had several realtors tell me that to be true
2024-10-08 16:43:19
a_bulick :
$25k doesn’t go far when you’re buying a house - are the people who can enter the buyer pool actually afford a home and all it requires? I think it sounds good to get vote but not realistic
2024-10-07 22:20:42
Trent Michel :
Do we know if the 25k has to be repaid like other down payment assistance loans? Corporations should not be allowed to buy residential property. Landlords should have a cap on rents.
2024-10-08 15:51:29
Jake32010 :
I believe large corporations shouldn't be able to own single family. it forced out home buyers and smaller landlords who fill the need and give good service.
2024-10-07 21:15:35
dsd1dsd :
My understanding is the 25,000 is being offered to first generation homeownership. So first time home buyers do mot get the 25,000.
2024-10-07 23:20:51
NavyFC4life :
Well use College as a comparison. Tuition costs stayed pretty affordable until the Gov guaranteed loans. Now they charge what they want. More people, more loans, less space, higher tuition. Same
2024-10-07 16:38:12
Ron Toye :
Corporations should not have the ability to purchase home in mass I agree with limiting that. Multifamily sure to wild but single family no. The plan to build 3 million homes will help increase supply
2024-10-08 14:12:00
lisa_h.89 :
It’s a bad decision! If these people can’t afford a down payment what’s going to happen to the homes when they can’t afford the payment yup foreclosure
2024-10-08 13:29:11
Daisys momma :
You can give down payment assistance all you want, but if someone can’t get a loan already I doubt giving them down payment assistance is going to change a lenders mind on the loan. I could be wrong
2024-10-08 14:30:12
Adam :
Reduce permit wait times for new houses. This will be way cheaper and way more effective. But ultimately I don’t think the economy could bear affordable housing for all.
2024-10-07 19:01:54
Rachelle.Buenteo-Realtor :
Your brave. Also, this was tried with Obama, and it stank. My daughter used it, had to sell the house because of a crisis, and it has to be paid back. It was not explained well, and it was awful. Not a new idea; a lot of her ideas are Obama's, and healthcare and first-time buyer incentives did not work and were rejected by most Americans.because it lead to an increase in inflation. My opinion
2024-10-08 14:47:16
James Mahoney :
Not that I want my current home value to drop, but making it so multi-billion dollar companies can’t buy single family homes would help tremendously.
2024-10-09 20:56:24
nonconformisthistorian70 :
I built 2 houses cash in Costa Rica over last 10 years, one in mountains 1 on beach. 400K. 700 property taxes yearly 4 both! Haven’t been back to dystopia since!
2024-10-08 14:49:54
Lesley :
1. It’s 1st gen home buyers so your parents can’t be homeowner, not sure how far down the line it goes 2. Isn’t it a tax credit? Not an actual cash payment?
2024-10-07 18:31:46
Clever Girl :
It’s a terrible idea. I think making 0 down types of loans available is the answer. Like a new version of FHA or expand the parameters of the types ( location) of homes fha loans can be used for.
2024-10-07 16:38:02
S :
This is great information. What do you think it would take to increase home building?
2024-10-09 14:51:45
bobbyoden :
I don’t know if the rules have changed. But when I bought my house, I didn’t qualify for any first time buyers due to making too much money.
2024-10-08 16:04:33
Never assume :
I think only banks should be able to buy homes and make it where they are not allowed to rent them out it will cause the price to drop big time and banks can’t afford to hold on to them
2024-10-09 00:12:31
MJCvlnski :
Capping the amount of properties a corporation can own will just create infinitely more corporations and LLC ‘s so that they will continue to amass as many properties as they can afford.
2024-10-08 01:21:40
Karen :
So they did the whole cash for first time home buyers in Australia a few years back, and it raised the price of homes by the amount of cash being offered almost instantly.
2024-10-08 18:36:40
Kevin :
Isn’t there a capital gains issue? Won’t new homebuyers be taxed every year their home equity increases? Which would increase their mortgage payment annually? Seems sketchy as usual
2024-10-07 22:51:47
Naomi Been :
You are right. Corporations that buy homes use it as tax shelters and there is no limit of how many homes they can buy. A cap would help the supply.
2024-10-08 00:45:24
user4526043943581 :
I’m in agreement with not letting corporations buy up homes.. it’s already driven up the prices were people can’t afford to buy homes.
2024-10-07 22:58:10
Sequoia_hiker :
How is it going to happen? Is it a 25k tax credit or actual cash in hand? When I hear a 25k credit, I think of a tax credit which is no where near the same as a 25k cash grant.
2024-10-07 19:46:52
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