@earthnailsandtails: Link in my BIO! Get access to our Skool community and Mini Course “Extending Your Gardening Season!” There are numerous ways that you can add weeks and even months onto your growing season. The strategies mentioned in this video just breaks the surface. If you want to learn how to grow even longer into the Fall and Winter or get started Growing even earlier every spring get access to my mini course and growing gardening community! #gardeningtips #gardentips #gardeningtipsforbeginners #gardentip #gardeningtip #gardening #veggiegarden #veggiegardening #veggies #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #growyourownfood #backyardgardening #organicgardening #backyardgarden #growyourfood #homegrown #backyardhomestead #growyourown #homestead #homesteading #homegrownfood