@tahliajrubio_: In all seriousness, it's important to stop being overly nice to people who don't treat you with the same respect and kindness. Constantly giving to those who don't reciprocate can drain your energy and self-worth, leaving you feeling unappreciated and taken for granted. Setting boundaries and standing up for yourself isn't about being rude; it's about valuing your own well-being. When you stop being nice to those who aren't nice to you, you create space for healthier, more balanced relationships that are built on mutual respect and care. #pettytiktok #pettytok #youreafan #givethemashow #fyppppppppppppppppppppppp #nicegirlsclub #mutalrespect #healthyrelationships #spillthetea #relatable #selfcarereminder #iykyk #givethemareason #nicegirlsclub #nicegirlera #overstimulated #justforyou #selfcarereminder