@vincevelasco23: Quick story: Last year I tore my ACL for the second time. I couldn’t believe it. I was in doubt, fear, I felt stuck, and for the first time in a long time I really felt defeated. It’s been tough to talk about because the process up until about a few months ago was really challenging. But i’ll talk more about it more soon. For a long time I didn’t really post or take many fitness videos because I felt I had fallen so far. How can I work and get after it? I even thought maybe I should just be happy with what’s been done and slow down. And thoughts like that began to scare me. The old me would be so disappointed. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. So I went back to work. It was up and down. Realistically that’s how it is. It took long. Some days better than others. Worked full time while I worked on myself. And almost a year later i’m almost back to feeling like myself. This shot is a reminder that you can and you will.