So every jacked dude I’ve seen on TikTok do wide bar pull downs are just straight up wrong and ain’t growing at all?
2024-10-17 05:57:46
Tik Toker :
the lats are the main driver in a lat pulldown, lower to mid lats have the best leverage in a frontal plane lat pulldown (where your arms come out wide) this video is completely wrong
2024-10-17 02:45:19
strongman_lynge ✟ :
Not true going very deep on the stretch moves the tension to the shoulders
2024-10-17 22:22:06
TorAndreKongelf :
The name is confusing. Its a great upper back exercise. I dont understand this urge to make every pulldown a lat exercise.
2024-11-27 16:08:54
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