@davonwoodsfc: Often times they don’t want to listen or pay attention until it’s too late. Another heartbreaking story 💔 This is 14 year old Naika Venant who commit suicide on Facebook live back in 2017. Naika was removed from her mother’s care in 2009, amid allegations of physical abuse. Since then, she had bounced in and out of state care. In January, she was living in a Miami Gardens foster home along with one, and possibly two, other youth. On Jan. 22, Naika wrapped a scarf around her neck and tied it to a shower rod. She hanged herself after streaming on Facebook Live for about two hours. The tragedy drew attention across the nation, casting a harsh light on Miami’s child welfare effort. #sad #fostercare #heartbreaking #explore #fosterkidsmatter❤️ #davonwoods #fostercarenews🥹