@chefjjskitchen: Barasya Ingredients: - 2 large leeks - olive oil @ndcmuscat - salt & pepper - 2 cloves of garlic - 1 lemon - a table spoon worth of chopped coriander - chop the leaks into big chunks then soak them in water for at least 30 minutes to remove any dirt. - fry them in a good amount of olive oil around 4 tbsps on high. Once they take a bit of color drop the heat to a simmer cover and let them cook for 20 minutes or till they start falling apart. - season with salt. Pepper. garlic. Lemon and coriander. - turn up the heat and cook them till the garlic is almost cooked. - serve it with bread and enjoy. #food #cooking #vegan #leeks #garlic #simple #easy #onepanmeal