@voka.io: The anatomy of Gastric Ulcers: a 3D exploration of stomach pain A gastric ulcer is a painful sore that forms on the inner lining of the stomach. These ulcers develop when the protective mucus layer of the stomach is eroded by stomach acid, leading to irritation and, in severe cases, open sores. Common causes include Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, long-term use of NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), and excessive stomach acid production. Interested in learning more about stomach health and how ulcers develop? Explore VOKA Anatomy Pro's interactive 3D models to visualize the inner workings of the stomach and gain deeper insight into digestive health! #gastriculcer #stomachproblems #digestivehealth #3danatomy #medstudent #humanbody #medicaltsudent