@redditstories_doggo: My wife gets mad at me for spending money on food I need because of my condition and expects me to work 15+ hour days every day, all so I can pay for what? Her? Yeah, I think this is over. Plus Two Updates. #reddit #redditdoggo #redditstories #redditreadings #storytime #minecraftparkour
America man. a 12 hour day is considered a short day? a short day in my country is 4 hours not TWELVE
2024-10-16 21:51:30
Andrea :
“We got engaged because things were going well” and “I moved in to save money” 😒😒😒😒
2024-10-16 19:42:18
icequeen8414 :
she's a user and you need to leave ASAP don't let her control you and your money
2024-10-16 19:53:57
Angie Handy :
Should’ve kept finances separate she’s proven she can’t be trusted
2024-10-16 23:26:23
Monica Charlier :
the first time she said then we shouldn't get married you should of said ok
2024-10-17 03:35:32
Lobelle1026 :
Finances separate and RUN DO NOT WALK AWAY BEFORE getting married RUN before it’s too late
2024-10-17 04:36:27
Jodieeeex :
yeah she's gona default on that car an your gona be liable loool
2024-10-16 22:43:33
vBliss :
You don't deny a man his food. Big nooo..
2024-10-17 00:11:56
leslie31875 :
I got my mad at my husband in the beginning of our relationship cause he wanted a frostie but didn't get it cause he couldn't bring me one. I told him never do that. if you want it get it!
2024-10-16 23:29:50
Anne Marie ☠️ :
Run the financial abuse will get worse
2024-10-17 00:49:39
shadowtwig :
Should always keep your finances separated
2024-10-17 00:01:19
Elmaré :
Runnnnnnnn she wants a ATM
2024-10-17 14:41:55
x808piercex :
I work 12 hours a day but you need to leave asap and get out of there
2024-10-17 03:33:14
Madie🐶 :
I’m only half way through the story and can already tell she using u as bank account not as anything else. Get separate bank accounts and leave her.
2024-10-17 00:32:23
pamelaa935 :
Open a new bank account and tell work you want wages pain into that, if she don’t like it move out, not going to work she is too controlling
2024-10-16 22:54:49
Tom Adams :
dude get outta there don't marry her
2024-10-17 12:48:13
Roman :
Okay it’s time to walk this beyond abusive cancel her access to your account and bolt pull everything out of that account you put in and leave
2024-10-18 01:40:31
kushdeep singh380 :
3 kids....
2024-10-16 23:39:00
✨🌛Reene🌜✨🇨🇦 :
boy you gota to leave
2024-10-18 10:17:14
Haley Brianna :
Run!!! Run fast and far!
2024-10-19 02:54:38
Zhu-li Monstergini :
it's not hard to go to HR/payroll and have paycheck moved to a new acct, just call it a payroll glitch. remove yourself from all accts and leave.
2024-10-17 11:34:36
🎶Brwneyes 💞💙 GEN~X💘💙 🎶 :
my dude.... RUN... RUN FAST
2024-10-17 03:13:11
💜 QUEEN _ BEV 💜 :
sounds like you need to leave her and find someone who loves you and respects you
2024-10-17 23:52:09
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