@mellisa.chung: The world serves as a mirror, reflecting our inner power + the potential to manifest the life we desire. The more we can release stories of limitation + separation, we gain a clearer understanding of ourselves + the love that has always been available to us. In recognizing our wholeness, we feel the connection to everything and everyone. What we call God, Source, or a higher power is not just the essence of the universe; it flows through each of us. And when we breathe this intention into everything we do, everything we do as an “I” becomes a “we”. We clearly feel + see how our light brings light to others. 🦋I invite you to my 1:1 mentorship and/or invite a friend/loved to join you in this experience my 2:1 mentorship, “Manifesting: Awakening to Your Power.” More info in the profile above. #embodiedmovement #selfliberation #femininerising #awakening #manifesting #breakinggenerationaltrauma #surrender #magic #channeling #UnlockYourPotential