@graeson.mcgaha.comedy: Corporate America and corporate math #humor #corporate #corporatehumor #corporateamerica #workhumor #bluecollar #whitecollar #officehumor
Because the employees take none of the risks they don't get the rewards like corporate does because the corporate takes all the risks
2024-10-18 16:33:12
GenXJared :
we didn't meet quarterly projections so..... oh wait let's fire 1200 people. hey look at that we met our quarterly numbers now.
2024-10-18 19:51:31
Brendan Kool :
This is why I work for myself. I'm a solo operator lawn Care company.
2024-10-18 15:30:37
rogerbrown209 :
Dam right.
2024-10-18 15:05:29
Cody Holloway :
Common Core math next
2024-10-18 15:49:20
Melodie harmony :
that happened to me. I had to train a person who never worked in housekeeping as a supervisor. after I had done the job for 3 months with out a day off.
2024-10-18 20:32:56
fred fuchs :
one word commission
2024-10-18 15:14:46
user766877441705 :
2024-10-18 20:31:56
Susan :
One plant making a huge mistake & on temp shut down so now second plant has to cover the loss by working 7 days a week and in the process revoking all use of PTO during the last 3 months of the year.
2024-10-18 14:19:22
SpicySassy03 :
We know you weren’t aware of the policy. But it was violated. Even though it’s not your fault because a higher up said it was ok. We are putting you on a final notice.
2024-10-18 14:18:27
SpicySassy03 :
We want you to do more work but we won’t give any raises out. You have to wait for you annual raise which is .30cents. But we are here for our employees
2024-10-18 14:16:36
I know , crappy , anymore !
2024-10-18 14:42:43
Girl, help 🇺🇸🆘 :
Don’t forget the part where a week after they fire you for giving your two week notice they call with a question about how to do your previous job.
2024-10-18 13:46:09
Jamie Weaver :
Healthcare math be like you MUST stay home when sick BUT you gotta use your PTO AND the attendance policy is no more than 2 absences in 60 days or we’re writing you up- btw you wanna stay to cover?
2024-10-18 13:56:17
reneeseaberry :
I was demoted for not showing enough growth in the position….my replacement called and asked how to do something they considered not part of the job to teach me
2024-10-18 13:55:13
Autumn Williams :
Corporate math is giving you a promotion, and a raise, but it's salary, so you make less now that you're not hourly with the same hours and overtime.
2024-10-18 15:20:54
Neurospicy Mama :
How about giving you the promotion because your already doing the work, then giving a lukewarm review because you're new to the job?
2024-10-18 14:07:59
festis423 :
I've been told I'm too valuable to production to be supervisor. so I was told to train new supervisor. he told me while I was training new employees to not do their job. so I dried him off the vine. he then asked me why I wasn't helping him I just looked at him
2024-10-18 13:54:01
Mackey_kel :
Don't forget about when you finally put your foot down and demand to be paid extra for training new employees, they instead make it part of your annual goals which dock your bonus if not achieved
2024-10-18 13:50:35
RhettKButler :
This is why I was self-employed my whole life
2024-10-18 13:41:23
Decoyfollowed65 :
They did away with sick days and gave us more pto so win win and bonus they pay us enough that’s not needed
2024-10-18 13:42:52
wg40504 :
How about being demoted for having to care for a sick child. Cause no absence is excused at all
2024-10-18 20:17:51
Brittany F.🐺 :
I honestly can't like this enough!
2024-10-18 18:07:57
✨Melinda✨ :
Yessss especially the retention bonuses! Don’t give your life to work, they will replace you at the drop of a hat.
2024-10-18 17:56:36
Sinclair :
omg this is my husband job
2024-10-18 15:35:06
Neurospicy Mama :
How about laying you off, then hitting you back three years later to fix all the things that broke in the meantime? Left 9 mos later in disgust.
2024-10-18 14:06:33
Redtigerwoman :
Not just corporate... Small businesses are doing it too. Like giving you a raise, but taking away your insurance to get that raise.
2024-10-18 14:01:05
Mony :
The next branch having ample employees, while your branch has half, but still saying you need to do better than the fully staffed branch.
2024-10-18 13:51:08
EC196 :
Yep this 💩 it totally REAL these days
2024-10-21 17:59:30
Jessawood :
Or they promise raises and only give you boss not the ones that make the place run!
2024-10-18 19:42:47
anickode :
"Personal tools are no longer allowed on site due to liability and changes in the safety policy"
*realizes the company owns zero tools, and they haven't budgeted to purchase even the basics*
2024-10-18 18:34:55
Amber Bramlett :
i worked overtime, and wad paid regular time because i had pto, make it make since
2024-10-18 16:11:10
Chris Widman :
Having enough money to try and buy another company but not having money for their employees after record Covid profits
2024-10-18 15:46:06
Cavity🦆 :
2024-10-18 14:33:12
Rebecca333 :
2024-10-18 14:05:03
Brandon Bowen :
@Kimberly Bowen
2024-10-18 13:56:12
rainbow :
2024-10-18 13:56:06
Brandon Bowen :
@Meghan Holsted
2024-10-18 13:55:33
Ironwolf :
I worked for the company for 6 years and they hired a guy paying him alot more than me because he had 5 years experience.. ended up he made more than some sipervisors.. that one employee cost them
2024-11-02 05:55:09
Ryan :
How about I know you been doing the job for a year but someone with more sinority just bumped you out of the job but there coming from another department and you have to train them
2024-10-27 03:09:12
cd826 :
Flooding the territory with sales people expecting to get larger numbers with the exact same client base
2024-10-25 14:20:04
Manuel :
instead of giving you a raise. they give you a pizza party and different kinds of holidays party
2024-10-21 02:53:48
🧛♀️🌿Re (Ji-an)🌿🧛♀️ :
Sounds like state government 😳
2024-10-20 02:39:11
jamescarr761 :
24 hr notice on mandatory OT??? I was once lucky if we got 4 hours notice to work up to 6 hours OT
2024-10-19 20:33:52
Shawn Dalton-Smith Author :
In healthcare, you must see COVID patients, but when you get COVID, you have to use PTO and it’s unexcused.
2024-10-19 18:21:50
thepizzaguy1982 :
corporate math is saying we need more employees but yet don't have the hours for the ones we already have employed
2024-10-19 16:43:36
Dana :
Let them fire you the day you give 2 week notice. You claim unemployment and it's a hit on their unemployment insurance.😂
2024-10-19 14:35:22
Anne Howard🐾 :
2024-10-19 11:36:52
Brian Tibbetts :
Don't forget about the calls you get to explain how to fix the equipment after being fired for giving a two weeks notice
2024-10-19 08:31:00
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