@getlexxified: This one goes out to all who have a service/assistance animal. May you never encounter someone like this 💖#greenscreen #sephora #retail #pov #skit #customerservice #karen #foryou #foryoupage
My mom doesn't believe in service animals but she does believe in emotional support animals. Like what????
2024-10-18 16:32:07
TheZacu :
How can someone hate dogs????
2024-10-18 16:57:07
Michlay62 :
Coming from a retail background, there were many times I would prefer people’s dogs over their children in the store
2024-10-18 16:33:08
Samantha :
What if someones allergic?
2025-01-27 19:44:35
Justme :
"I promise that dog wants nothing to do with you" Lexy you always slay
and I'm early
2024-10-18 16:24:52
Adéla! :
I don't like dogs but damn, I would never complain about service dogs. they are important 😭
2024-10-18 16:50:05
Mariana D :
come to Germany 😂😂we take dogs to shopping center
2024-10-18 16:26:49
🔥Kenzie Girl🔥 :
My dog is an ESA and I need her for my anxiety. I haven’t been able to bring her places with me because I lost her vest but I did get her a dog tag. She helps me a lot
2024-10-18 21:47:44
Juliana :
I would love if you do a mom with a autistic kid, i have a autistic kid and people look at me so horrible when his stiming😕
2024-10-18 19:28:04
Carleigh2006 :
I hate dealing with people like this 😤
2024-10-18 16:20:24
miriamgreen123💚 :
What do so many people have against animals at the shopping?! As long as they can behave, everything is fine! By the way, most dogs behave better than most people 😂🫠
2024-10-18 16:31:09
🃏 :
this has 4 likes, how many likes does it have now?
2024-10-18 16:19:31
𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖑𝖑𝖎...🎧 :
yeah but what if someone has a strong allergy towards dog fur?
2024-10-20 20:19:55
brinawidmer :
I want a service kitty or service rabbit to cuddle whenever I feel overstimulated 🥺
2024-10-18 18:34:56
giovanni ⸆⸉ 🇪🇺 :
Italy is the most pet friendly country in the world. Here dogs can enter any tipe of business including restaurants lol
2024-10-18 17:21:40
cyjdby :
How can someone hate dogs????
2024-12-18 02:14:10
TZ :
I’d keep the dog & throw her out 😂😂
2024-10-18 16:30:04
Stevie :
When I got my service dog 10 years ago, my grandparents said no dogs allowed at their house. We have 2 family meals there a week and I said dog and I were package deal. They learned fast to ignore him
2024-10-18 16:43:53
Becky!✨ :
Genuinely asking, what are some reasons a person could get a service dog for??
2024-10-20 16:14:31
Yana Semenas :
she will be absolutely shocked if she visits Poland) dogs are allowed anywhere😂
2024-10-19 12:02:08
monique :
What about people with epilepsy?
2024-10-18 21:00:32
Gabi :
as someone with an assistance dog, thankyou for this! i hate these types of encounters so much
2024-10-18 16:56:46
noahperdue9756 :
other than food I'll never understand why my babies aren't allowed places. Again food I understand!
2024-10-18 16:39:52
Aurora RJ 💜💙 :
The dog or nobody really wants to do anything with in her surroundings
2024-10-22 00:07:19
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