“Eli doesn’t know what to do because his brother is invincible…” “Yeah bro” 😂😂
2024-10-21 19:53:54
Texas Outlaw BBQ :
The thing with broken bones you have to have is patience. It sucks, I been there with an ankle. What you don’t want to do is rush this cause it will just prolong things. He’s got youth on his side
2024-10-21 18:57:41
Samantha Hughes :
They look exactly like every kid at our track lol they all have the same hair cuts and dress the same!
2024-10-21 19:47:00
GingerMotoMama🏁💕 :
What bone did he break? Because we’re in a really similar situation with my son. Scaphoid bone. He also opted for a cast for 4 weeks instead of immediate surgery, but he says it hurts like heck still.
2024-10-22 02:16:13
Bekah Ellis :
Staying out there is probably the best thing ever for him, he seems like the kind of kid who is happier to be there watching his peers train and succeed than not be there at all. 💕
2024-10-21 19:20:13
cynsationalopinions :
PATIENCE💯 I fractured so many places in my spine but refused to allow them to heal properly because gymnastics was so competitive. At 24 had 1of3 spinal surgeries &almost all titanium w pain 📝
2024-10-22 00:32:00
Jozzy :
Breaking the growth plate season lmao😂 I broke my growth plate last month and got surgery I still have my pin I go Wednesday to get a new cast and my pin checked. Hope he feels better soon 😁
2024-10-21 21:46:56
Elena🍤 :
Never know that Eli is that chilled
2024-10-21 20:52:21
Katie :
Sit it out. My son got his off at 6 weeks. The dr told us no riding for 4 more weeks. We waited and it was sad to not race, but it’s not worth rehurting and having the cast longer.
2024-10-23 18:02:09
KRBrew80 :
These kids are a hoot! Sorry for the bad news! :(
2024-10-21 19:09:02
ً :
Racing soon? 😅.. im glad he is doing ok and congrats on getting the cast removed 🫡
2024-10-21 18:38:48
The Butts Fam :
Get opti recovery from Amazon! It’s like 30 bucks but so worth it!
2024-10-21 19:45:22
Melissa Mathis :
Stay positive Momma!
2024-10-21 19:24:42
Queen V🖤 :
😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 hang in there! Hoping for good results moving forward!
2024-10-21 18:48:50
Peyton :
The Eli not knowing what to do in a doctors office part was funny 😄
2024-10-22 20:08:43
Erica :
Same thing happened to my son. 🙏🏻 for a quick and speedy recovery!
2024-10-21 19:06:04
Twin Mommy :
I didn’t even know he had broken his arm!! Hoping surgery goes well 🙏
2024-10-22 15:45:49
Carl Freund :
never forget my 8th grade yr.crutches and kids standing in line to be next caring my books.again and again until 18....1 thing or another....wouldn't of traded it..I'm 66 now
2024-10-21 20:24:05
MotoDad412 :
dang it! but glad yall caught it early! mini o's can wait! get that arm 100%💪💪💪
2024-10-21 20:57:22
Cameron Smith🦆🦌 :
i broke my elbow a couple weeks ago i had gotten ran over by 2 dirtbikes off the gates in a race
2024-11-04 17:43:36
Dee :
Oh shit. Stay positive! Heal quick.
2024-10-21 20:55:55
Samantha Hughes :
Did you look into/ buy a mobius wrist brace for when he gets that cast off??? Those first few weeks the stingers and grip strength are the worst. The mobius is a LIFE savor!!! Even the pros wear them!
2024-10-22 00:39:07
Jennifer Petrarca :
Hugs to you all! You got this mama! I agree it’s better to stay there. You will have the most support there, everyone knows what you are going through.
2024-10-22 12:56:58
wesley roxby :
had to do this with my thumb and wirst its best in the long run he would hate it if the dr had to rebreak the bone that sucks
2024-10-23 01:57:03
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