@maks.._..fura: Ответ пользователю @user99944953086631 #дальнобой #дальнобойщик #дальнобойщики #фура #водитель #грузовик #работа #врек #рекомендации @𝕸𝖆𝖐𝖘 𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖆 @𝕸𝖆𝖐𝖘 𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖆 @𝕸𝖆𝖐𝖘 𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖆

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Region: UA
Wednesday 23 October 2024 14:26:54 GMT




𝕸𝖆𝖐𝖘 𝕱𝖚𝖗𝖆 :
Всем удачи на дорогах 😉
2024-10-23 14:27:06
это Вашингтон у белого дома, на парковке..
2024-10-25 01:54:00
Andrej. :
Ижевск или Сарапул? 🧐
2024-10-26 06:53:53
dl_666_lb :
такое везде практикуется
2024-10-24 14:00:49
S_Naumenko :
ну понятно, впринципе важно
2024-10-24 06:14:15
Viko :
от питера до ижевска столько же как от амстердама до порто, а это 4 государства всяко быаает
2024-10-23 17:51:11
Обходи машинку перед выездом!
2024-10-28 14:12:15
Galinka :
Не ври
2024-10-27 15:03:40
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41yrs ago on this day in music... Bad to the Bone song by  George Thorogood and the Destroyers written by George Thorogood  released Sept 17 1982  on the album of the same name by EMI America Records.  The song adapts the hook and lyrics of Muddy Waters'(1983)✝️  1955 song
41yrs ago on this day in music... Bad to the Bone song by George Thorogood and the Destroyers written by George Thorogood released Sept 17 1982 on the album of the same name by EMI America Records. The song adapts the hook and lyrics of Muddy Waters'(1983)✝️ 1955 song "Mannish Boy" While "Bad to the Bone" was not widely popular upon its initial release, its music video made recurrent appearances on MTV, created a year before. Licensing for films, television, and commercials has since made the song more popular. Author Jim Beviglia opined that despite the song not landing on the Hot 100 chart, it "outstrips all other 80s songs in terms of the way it has essentially become cultural shorthand". MUSIC VIDEO; The video intercuts a live performance by Thorogood and his band with his playing a lengthy game of pool with Bo Diddley(2008)✝️. Pool player Willie Mosconi(1993)✝️ is summoned from another room by a spectator (played by Michael Fusco), and he wagers a large sum of money on Diddley. As Thorogood appears to be winning, a group of children outside celebrate while Diddley gets a dirty look from Mosconi. Thorogood sm0k3s a ciqar throughout the pool-playing sequence. The video ends with Thorogood making the 8 ball drop into a pocket by flicking a large quantity of cigar ash on the floor apparently triggering the drop of the ball in the pocket. The song was used many times in Married... with Children, when Al Bundy does something fun, usually followed by the line "Let's Rock." For example, in "Hot off the Grill", "A Man's Castle", "Heels on Wheels" episodes. In Memorim✝️ Henry G. “Hank” Carter III May 30, 1950 - September 14, 2021 Born in Atlanta, GA  Hank “Hurricane” Carter acclaimed saxophonist Hank had a lifetime passion for music which he was able to turn into a successful music career by playing with a host of local Delaware groups including Rocket 88, the Watson Brothers (and Melton brothers), Garry Cogdell and friends, Club Phred and George Thorogood and the Destroyers with whom he played for 23 years. GT and the Destroyers is probably best known for the song ‘Bad to the Bone’, so give it a listen as Hank rocks the sax! Hank, while with the Destroyers, shared the bill with such artists as the Rolling Stones BB King, Little Feet, ZZ Top, J. Geils Band and others; also, he performed at the very special Live Aid concert. He played a variety of instruments, including electric/acoustic guitar, bass, piano and keyboard, but he was best known as a saxophonist. He was inducted into the Delaware Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2018 with the Watson Brother’s Band. Hank was also a veteran, having served in the US Army Band during the time of the Vietnam War; this experience, by his own words, was critical because it offered regular opportunities to hone his musical talent. #georgethorogoodandthedestroyers #mtv #officialmusicvideo #60s70s80smusic #memories #popculture #ifonlyfor59seconds
