You are 100% right. Thank god for you. Keep up the good work
2024-10-29 09:55:03
ginge :
end ov the day he got proper justice ⚖️🙌
2024-10-27 07:19:55
yes.shef :
totally agree it needs to change. let's get family members out of gangs . it's not a career
2024-10-25 14:29:53
davidcolledge245 :
please explain why black people do more crimes? most of the stabbings in London are black on black crimes, nothing to do with being poor, obviously stop and search is more on the blacks!!
2024-10-26 19:46:32
gavinhamilton260 :
the killing of Chris Kaba had absolutely nothing to do with racism.
2024-10-25 05:24:25
JP :
The man at the protest talks about being scared to let his son go to the shop. Well the reason he should be scared is because of people like Chris Kaba not the police. His son is statistically far
2024-10-25 21:40:41
_Bustergonad :
If these so called black community leaders did something about the gangs instead of turning a blind eye the crime problem might not be as bad but it’s easier to blame everyone else and shout racist
2024-10-24 11:42:53
malini sm 🍉🫶 :
literally this.
2024-10-24 14:30:48
malini sm 🍉🫶 :
The comments on my video about Kaba are absolutely wild. just missing the entire point.
2024-10-24 14:31:22
gilessutcliffe :
Poverty, the guy was driving a £100k Audi!
2024-10-24 17:14:22
Mez :
Thanks Femi, but the people you're talking to may not understand what you're saying, as thinking can be quite challenging for them. Racists tend to think in a very one-dimensional way.
2024-10-24 13:45:36
Cuddly Panda :
Just like it’s possible for Chris Kaba to be both a criminal and yet also innocent in certain circumstances, it’s possible for the police to be systemically racist and yet for the Chris Kaba shooting to have nothing to do with systemic racism.
2024-10-25 09:43:10
CruiseImpossible :
When things go good, we praise a God. When things go bad, we blame the establishment. Why don't we look at ourselves?
2024-10-25 06:01:00
Ju1ie57 :
that police officer deserves a medal
2024-10-24 19:28:04
I am fully behind the fact we should hold better standards for police and racism is rife. On this occasion, taking CK history out of it, the officer was right to shoot him. Black or white.
2024-10-25 11:46:12
scaler2007 :
suppose you don't know the names of the black gits kaba shot or stabbed? do those black lives not matter?
2024-10-25 05:24:11
JoeWilkinsonsLeftArm :
"Poverty" isn't an excuse. it's an insult to all those people who live in the same area who don't commit crime. It's just another blanket way for people to ignore personal responsibility.
2024-10-25 00:07:51
marcantoniwatson :
you are correct
2024-10-24 20:06:08
Watanabebeats :
I agree let’s not talk about young black men carrying guns and shooting people 👍🏻
2024-10-24 19:29:11
AvA@^@ :
1) yes, noticed that the new age racism is to say things that beat around the bush and act dumb 2) people who engage in it are actually just being themselves and seek out making inflammatory comments
2024-10-24 13:08:16
Lunar_tic1 :
the justice system in Uk is flawed the punishment was hard but equally for years the system was way to lenient on him
2024-10-25 23:16:38
xanighttoforgetx :
innocent people stop when asked to stop by police..
they don't take them on a high speed chase cause their innocent
2024-10-25 12:35:26
scootmaloot :
@loki lee ‼️
2024-10-25 10:05:04
Conferences & Seminars :
North Gaza is being exterminated and ethnically cleaned. Gaza journalists voices went hoarse. Please amplify their voices now!!!
2024-10-25 04:53:25
John Doe :
"Live by the sword, die by the sword"
2024-10-24 21:39:50
I'm Trying to help and support a lot of single fathers/Mothers, students and anyone that struggling with bills, make up to 5,700 Bucks(USD) Weekly ,To get started Inbox Me now 📥
2024-10-24 14:47:15
StayWeirdLC :
Google jesse lee peterson and listen to him
2024-10-24 14:43:09
franciswynn855 :
Do you think the judge imposing a reporting ban helped or hindered the situation with respect to the community?
2024-10-24 13:25:50
1235user :
nothing to do with racist it's to do with the fact kaba family didn't agree with the verdict because they won't get compensation now that's what this is all about
2024-10-29 10:23:34
alcidio fernandes :
actually you are wrong
2024-10-29 10:00:17
username :
Big deal you said your price two years ago, still doesn't alter the fact does it?
2024-10-27 17:44:11
Francis Murphy 🇬🇧 :
I follows you and enjoys all your contents, I will never know what it is to be Black and yet as I m Deaf BSL user, so get a small inklings of systemic discriminations. However Chris Kaba’s case….
2024-10-27 12:42:01
Nia Bride :
time to give your babies white names
2024-10-27 09:47:25
toninonucci :
This has absolutely nothing to do with racism, armed Police were sent to a volatile situation, generally Police in the UK are not armed, Saint Kaba chose to use his vehicle as a weapon trying to flee the Police, he got shot he got what he deserved, same outcome would’ve happened had the driver been white, you make some good valid points that I agree with, but they have nothing to do with this case whatsoever. Saint Kaba’s criminal record did not get him killed, failing to comply with Police instructions did, would you be so vocal had he killed a Police Officer? I think not.
2024-10-26 23:34:01
Koo :
all the black energy should be on making sure your children don't join gangs. make sure your kids hold their heads up heigh and are good and kind
2024-10-26 22:23:22
Victor :
The grifter speaks 😂
2024-10-26 19:45:58
BigLez23 :
Perma victim. Yesterday it was justified that he was a killer because he was poor and black. This guy is Tommy Robinson of the left.
2024-10-26 15:29:25
Phatfiles :
2024-10-26 15:14:44
Jimmy the juvenile :
I thought you were going home ???
2024-10-26 14:53:58
Chuparelli :
You’ve never been right about anything Femi
2024-10-26 14:17:43
trish :
he was a vile criminal walking among us
2024-10-26 13:22:28
Maureen Hamblin :
2024-10-26 10:30:58
user2195363832969 :
These police are evil n 2018 my 15 son was walking home at 10 pm at night from his friends house the police stop him lock him up for no reason then release him at 3 am to go home without his shoe!!!!!
2024-10-26 09:32:23
Tyelo :
Forcing the wrong size foot in to a different size shoe
2024-10-26 09:16:23
Lunar_tic1 :
There is many black criminals who get way to many chances
2024-10-25 23:17:10
Lunar_tic1 :
Chris was shot in the head it didn’t need to happen but I don’t care why because he was out destroying black peoples lives
2024-10-25 23:15:44
user2756134260200 :
Why does he drive a car that was involved in a shooting the night before, does he then tam that car into armed police, no do I think he’ll be ok walking to the shops 👍
2024-10-25 14:58:49
Phil Tutton :
young black men are much more likely to be stabbed by another black man than get shot by the police. protest about that
2024-10-25 14:09:50
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