@khamrick76: If you don’t want to pay to do an opportunity, I understand and respect that! Trust me 😉 I have many who say I would love to do letter writing but the funds to purchase the program aren’t there. I understand that too!! Trust me 😉 I also have another opportunity where we are just getting ready to launch and you can be a founding member with FREE sign up! No fees (because the owner of the company realizes the need people have to earn income yet don’t have the funds to join) so he made it FREE with AFFORDABLE products. Thats respect! Just because the enrollment is FREE does not mean that this isn’t an AMAZING opportunity! Just the opposite. I am helping launch this company and YOU can do it with me too! It NEVER hurts to see what’s out there! Trust me 😉 I said no for over 3 months and once I finally said, “OK, I’ll check it out”, I can confidently say you will most likely want to letter write and be a FREE affiliate to help LAUNCH 🚀 this other company! Did I mention you also earn up to 40% commissions? Receive commission for your own orders, hourly pay, no purchase requirements and the products are all natural (This is true and important) and are not available anywhere else but here! My 🔗 to both opportunities is in my pr0file. Make sure to check them out! Best and easiest opportunity out there to earn extra income #sendit #paidtowriteletters #makemoneyfromhome #paidperletter #letterwriting #sidehustles #writingforcash #sweepstakes #writingletters #sidehustleforbeginners2024 #makemoney #writeletters #makemoneyfromhome2024 #easysidehustle #paid2write #payperletter #workfromhomer hour #letterwritingformoney #bestsidehustle #beginnerfriendlysidehustle #sidehustlesecrets #remotejob #earnmoneywriting #makeextraincome #makemoneywriting #makemoneywritingletters #envelopestuffing #workfromhomemom #getpaidperletter #financialfreedom