@sarahsathren: A little TikTok rant for all the Karen’s and the negative comments. Since the duck isn’t hidden in this video, let me know what you love about my videos or what you want to see more of! 🫶🏼 #lifehacks #MomsofTikTok #momhacks #clean #exteacher #CleanTok #teacher #cleaningbusiness #cleaningtiktok #housecleanerlife #cleaning #busniessowner #howtorunabusiness #cleaning #cleaner #housecleaning #housecleaner #housekeeper #housekeeping
You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone. Negative Nancy’s are always around unfortunately. I learn so much from your cleanings and your products.
2024-12-19 05:19:00
Teri Howard230 :
I enjoy your videos!! You are amazing at cleaning. I’ve cleaned houses for 23 years. I use separate rags for everything!!
2024-10-26 22:41:59
Dayna :
It’s amazing how ppl have the nerve to comment, when they probably don’t clean their own home thoroughly. 😂
2024-11-04 03:48:19
Heather :
i’m slowly starting to get houses to clean and happy you introduced me to orange glow!!! i live in a very small town of about maybe 1,000 people so unfortunately i don’t make the money you do though.
2024-10-25 23:26:28
darcimchale :
Keep doing you!! The more you put yourself out there the more trolls will pop up, hazard of being awesome girl so cheers to your continued success and growth!! ❤️
2024-10-28 03:23:14
Yvette6785💙 :
I like to see what you make on the homes. I never make as much as you. I started most of my homes way too cheap!
2024-10-25 02:12:30
cherrellbrendel :
I think u do amazing work!! I love watching u!
2024-12-16 23:21:58
Merritt Rodriguez :
I love your voice and your personality is amazing so just remember you got this #staypositive I love your videos I wish I had your energy keep up the great work
2024-11-20 14:22:38
Amanda :
The negative comments are just haters! You do you girl! You’re awesome 😎
2024-10-25 03:01:09
Holly :
Love your videos! Love your humor and your work ethic. Keep it up! 🥰
2024-10-25 15:24:34
tonyathomas056 :
I've used your routine in some of my homes I clean. it works!! I use paper towels always on the toilet bc It's the best. love 💗 your videos
2024-10-26 13:58:44
LeahHalfpenny :
I feel wasteful using paper towels but my OCD will NOT let me use a rag! 😅 Paper towels makes everything feel cleaner !
2024-10-28 14:56:27
Robin Hudson :
You are doing a great job sweetie love your videos
2024-10-26 02:49:08
Tiffany :
Love your videos. So inspiring to get up and clean something.
2024-10-25 03:59:50
Britt :
Can’t wait for your elderberry to restock! This cold season has been ROUGH 😅
2024-10-25 22:28:09
Meaganlee37 :
Ive cleaned 13 yearsand I clean 4 houses a day. I use rags on toilets but I never use it on anything else after it touches a toilet. Also I don't wear gloves. Who cares everyone has their own way.
2024-10-25 04:51:56
Gaye :
Please ignore the negative comments. There will also be people who are full of complaints.
2024-10-25 14:30:26
pattygabz :
🥰 Love your content!!!
2024-10-25 00:16:51
Destany :
Who's being negative? goodness....you're very impressive.
2024-10-26 00:00:59
jeepgirl555 :
Do you have a longer handle on your mop than what comes with it? I love that mop but feel it’s so short
2024-11-19 16:43:51
Debbie Embs 🥳 :
You do a great job. I enjoy your videos
2024-10-25 10:38:38
boymom4lifee :
You’re so sweet! It’s a shame people are so negative. I like watching what products you use so I have ideas. I also think your voiceover is relaxing and entertaining to listen to. 😊
2024-10-25 17:31:26
eleonoramilic745 :
Dont explain yourself, it will be a natural filter of people who are worth to give attention to. I really enjoy your videos, your energy, dedication and I also learn a lot. Sending you lots of love
2024-10-25 04:55:25
To see more videos from user @sarahsathren, please go to the Tikwm