@trackside.fans: It's that time of the year... time for some match-cut transitions 🔥 And a quick look back at Rally Legend 2024 👇👀 This year brought quite a few new challenges. The first was just getting to San Marino! 🇸🇲 At the start, we weren’t even sure how we’d make it there. Our rally crew had grown since last time, and transporting seven people was a whole new game compared to packing into a typical five-seater 😅 We ended up getting a van, which I wasn’t too sure about at first—parking anything over 4.5 meters at rally stages can be tricky. But in the end, it made for a great adventure. 10/10 would recommend packing a van with friends and heading to the rally ❤️ More of the story to come in the next posts! Thanks to @shiftingwithferre for the idea that a match-cut can still be made, even with clips from different locations! #racing #motorsports #rally #rallylegend #rallylegends #motorsportsphotography #rallylife #tracksidefans #carsandcoffee #videoediting