@alyssastransplantjourney: I have been on peritoneal dialysis since the end of July. I started with HemoDialysis in March but after my labs improved my dialysis clinic believed I would be a good canidate for at home treatments. I’ve ran into a few complicstions, all which have had solutions. My most recent was FIBROIDS in my cathater which i had to treat with heparin for 4 dialysis days. I have occasianal “drain pain” but its something i have learned to tolerate as it is just temporary. Painful but i remind myself it is better than the alternative. Dialysis has made me feel a lot better than how i was feeling at the beginning of the year. I was constantly sick and exhausted from doing the easiest of tasks. Not everyone has the same experience being on dialysis so i am grateful this is mine. But even though i feel like i’ve had a postive exoeirence, it is in no way easy. This is a battle and we each handle it in our own way. I have dialysis 4/5 nights a week for about 7 hours. ##peritonealdialysis#d#dialysisk#kidneyfailurek#kidneydiseaseki#kidneytransplantK#CKDS#ESRDi#diabetici#diabetesy#type1i#livingwithckdr#transplante@Heidi