I was told it had to be eight generations of a maternal line- and documented! I have asked Ashkenazi and Sephardic- and I can only find records back three generations.
2024-10-30 16:10:52
LaReinaDeLosLagartos 🇦🇷🎗️☮️ :
I agree, it’s a ridiculous rule in this day and age that Judaism needs to reform.
2024-10-26 21:42:49
Klchand :
The mother is the only one who the child knows is her parent for sure. That’s why Jews have matriarchal lineage
2024-10-27 19:11:03
Glafayette Gorillo :
judaism is matrilineal
2024-12-21 21:06:23
Libbae_da_queen :
Ur dad knew the rules babe and ur mom could’ve converted 💜❤️
2024-10-26 15:38:28
✡️🪬bianica bianchi🧿✡️ :
My husband Jewish before we got married I fully converted and now our daughter is Jewish it’s a rule you need to fellow. Well you agree with it or not. Still be proud of who you are🫶🏽🧿
2024-10-26 20:07:15
;p :
Yall mad but the rule makes sense.1️⃣Scientifically we share more dna with our mother.2️⃣no science to determine paternity in old days so Jew mom = Jew baby was only 100% way to persevere Judaism
2024-10-26 18:57:32
Gabrielle Dulberg🇮🇱 :
Yeah and in the Torah there are a bunch of things we don’t follow anymore lmfao you’re Jewish girl don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t.
2024-10-26 19:20:28
Amras :
Judaism is an ethno religion and part of that ethno is mother being Jewish.
2024-10-26 21:27:12
GavMeow :
In the former Soviet Union if AnY of your blood lineage was Jewish, you were Jewish to them and would be persecuted and marginalized. Needless to say, I am Jewish even though my mom is not . Forever
2024-10-27 03:47:31
Лплплплпп :
The matrilineal rule in Judaism is so goofy. Like someone can be an atheist Jew, but because your mom wasn’t Jewish it means you’re not Jewish despite having the DNA and practicing the customs?
2024-10-26 16:33:46
Colleen :
My SIL’s grandparents survived concentration camps but people not considering her Jewish because her mom isn’t is wild. This rule gives off such mean girl vibes.
2024-10-26 16:37:25
Yaakov יעקב :
A Jew is a Jew is a Jew regardless of how you became Jewish. ❤️
2024-10-27 01:30:06
francescaevigna :
My dad is catholic mom Jewish and I hate when people are like at least you’re a REAL Jew like it’s so insulting. In the clerb we’re all fam
2024-10-26 22:19:16
sonyablair293 :
It’s matriarchal decent. I’m not surely someone mentioned this at some point, right?
2024-10-26 16:31:55
brucesartwell :
So if my mother got her Jewish dna from her father and I got my Jewish DNA from mother how’s that work ?
2024-10-27 03:00:12
Benja Daian :
Hahahah if u can’t accept the fact that if your mom isn’t Jewish then your not Jewish,then switch to other religion,cuz this is a fact written in the Torah,if u try to “reform it” it won’t be Judaism
2024-10-27 12:18:04
PerchBird :
my conservative rabbai wouldn't agree if you converted
2024-10-26 16:23:22
k_louly :
you are half Jewish
2024-12-25 20:18:02
katrina ✡︎🍉 :
because my genetic mother is jewish but i was not raised jewish somehow i am jewish and you are not? that doesn’t sit right with me.
2024-10-26 17:18:09
TheNurseMage :
It’s ridiculous when my DNA test says I’m ashkenazi on both sides
2024-10-26 22:23:51
Emma :
Me too,Jewish dad and non-Jewish mom. I will say this not a single Jewish person has ever cared or brought this fact up this fact.(cont.)
2024-10-27 11:13:27
Diva :
This was my situation…. I then went through a conservative conversion and went to the mikvah. I was becoming more observant and wanting to read Torah at the Conservative shul I had fallen in love with
2024-10-27 04:24:13
Rachel :
If ur Reform, they consider you Jewish. We need to understand and accept that other sects might not sharing the same perspective. Ppl have their views, Reform accepts u fully n conversion’s an option!
2024-11-17 12:50:40
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