my HS debate coach told us "never forget that most people read below a 9th grade level so if you want them to understand you you have to speak to them like HS freshman"
2024-10-27 15:42:31
David G :
this baffles me because I had a 7th grade reading level in 2nd or 3rd grade 😭
2024-10-28 12:47:24
Nymphs Grove :
when I was in nursing school, they taught us to health teach at a 3rd grade reading level.... I kid you not, when I talk to some of my patients, its like talking to a brick wall.
2024-10-27 15:19:57
Aaron :
my boss can't read, which was probably less of a problem before our whole department went to remote work. we only communicate by email and she legit can't 😭😭😭
2024-10-27 23:52:59
Lizzy2Sleepy :
realized recently that my bd is one of them 1s when i saw him arguing with our 13yo son about spelling & grammar so our son sent him a screen shot of a Google search & his dad still couldn't get it
2024-10-27 13:48:11
gunkassthemoth :
do they have a handler come in and read who’s on the ballot for them? How do they know who they’re voting for? (idk if that’s gonna land this is the first election i’ve been old enough to vote in)
2024-10-27 05:37:17
Naña Biznas :
The surprising part is that you don't even have to read anymore.
You can have your phone read for you, yet they are still not doing it.
2024-10-28 13:49:22
Ruin it for me👁️👃👁️ :
I was reading at a college level by the 5th grade, so when I learned this fact it absolutely floored me. Then I remembered half of my siblings all dropped out in HS and jr.high. So 😳
2024-10-28 18:53:51
adam :
And if I don't know a word, I Google, it. the cell phone was the best thing that ever happened to me. Because it helps me navigate the world when I can't read.
2024-10-28 15:13:45
Ryan Dunkelberger :
I've never been the best reader. never liked it, have ADHD so I can't retain well just looking at words on a page, but damn I'll at least get through it eventually
2024-10-28 12:15:55
Mason :
me having 11th grade comprehension/media literacy since like age 7 but the school refusing to teach me the reading skills to use it convinced me already you don't have to
2024-10-29 05:07:10
Cheeezzy :
I thought my group was 4 of the 5 until I moved to Germany in HS lol First day English class as the American exchange student was very humbling 😅😂
2024-10-27 12:49:32
MaybeJenn :
lol any time I venture out to public, the 1 in 4 finds me and tries to converse. 😅
2024-10-27 19:35:19
ShyandAwkwardGuy :
Majority of the people arguing are emotionally illiterate
2024-10-27 21:30:17
Peppa531 :
Donald Trump perfect example of Ronald Regan grown up left behind
2025-03-09 04:23:40
Bossandra :
I think I’m it’s important to remember though when we belabor ourselves w WHY do they believe something they can’t just look up? Bc they are relying solely on what they can hear, not read
2024-10-29 08:36:54
Pup storm :
Just say spell psychology or inflammatory and you’ll see on which side of the rating they land on (but also don’t ask me to spell Wednesday it be hard sometimes)
2024-10-29 01:23:50
4 :
I agree, I can't read a damn thing. Writing on the other hand, I got that shit. Just gotta hope I get it correct on the first go.
2024-10-28 18:41:22
1_pa_tuu :
Ha wood I no if sum batty can’t reed gud?
2024-10-28 21:20:21
Mel Bee fka Melina Benches :
2024-10-27 18:03:05
Mazee 🐯 :
2024-10-27 01:26:41
Bekks✨ :
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2024-10-27 11:09:15
bryan35q0 :
Conservatives are the reason the education system is so bad
2024-10-27 02:36:18
It’s me :
And people are angry that Trump wants to revamp the Dept of Education.
2024-10-27 02:20:07
local_cryptid :
I work in Healthcare and we are constantly asked to "dumb" things down when we speak to patients, to at least a 4th grade level across the board.
2024-10-27 04:22:31
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