Women are adults and they can make their choices. I think it's creepy that we have laws that monitor and police reproductive rights.
2024-10-28 17:40:13
Cassi Rogers :
why is no one saying that YOU CAN HAVE AN OPINION BUT THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT!!!!! this is about government interfering on our personal freedoms. not imposing your moral legislation on others
2024-10-28 17:25:30
PLH2022🇨🇦 :
stop thinking it's abortion rights - it's females' rights to control their own medical decisions - men would not be happy if women decided who among them could procreate and force them to be fixed
2024-10-28 17:36:00
Ariel 🍓 :
Nobody can tell a person how to use their uterus. Women aren’t incubators.