@realpha.japanese: ★The words we introduced today★ I got it 了解 かしこまりました ryōkai kashikomarimashita Do you have time? 今大丈夫? お時間よろしいですか? ima daijōbu? ojikan yoroshīdesuka? I'm sorry ごめん 申し訳ございません gomen mōshiwake gozaimasen I can't できない いたしかねます dekinai itashikanemasu Long time no see 久しぶり ご無沙汰しております hisashiburi gobusata shiteorimasu Check out the phrases that textbooks and schools don’t teach you right now!!! Thank you always for your likes and saves! Feel free to ask us any questions via DM or comment:)♪ Please follow us and let’s do our best together🤗!! #japaneselesson #jlpt #learnjapanesewords #japaneseconversation #nihongojapanese