@althejamaican: Puerto Rico faces unique challenges in its governance, where mayors serve as crucial local leaders—akin to mini-presidents—but systemic dysfunction often hampers real progress. From wasted investments to the complex dynamics of a divided political system, frustrations run high. Good intentions can be rendered ineffective when communication breaks down, leaving many pressing issues unresolved. Experts Amber Duke and Nomiki Konst delve into the intricacies of Puerto Rico's political landscape, emphasizing the urgent need for a comprehensive focus on revitalizing critical infrastructure, like the electrical grid. The dialogue reflects a broader discontent that resonates with many, echoing felt struggles both locally and nationally. Aimed at fostering awareness and sparking solutions, this discussion shines a light on the pressing need for change to ensure residents can thrive in the 21st century. #PuertoRico #Politics #Governance #Infrastructure #ElectricalGrid #Mayors #CivicEngagement #PoliticalAnalysis #Dysfunction #Bipartisan #AmberDuke #NomikiKonst #RisingShow #CommunityIssues #Trump #PuertoRico #Harris #Latino