@ceeschultz: I wanted to design a shirt that people would actually want to wear. A shirt with meaning to us. A song I have resonated with throughout this journey is Flowers by @Samantha Ebert “I’m a good God and I have a good plan So trust that I’m holding a watering can And someday you’ll see That flowers grow in the valley When I’m on the mountain and looking down below I’ll see a valley of flowers that needed time to grow And I’ll thank you for the rain The hurt and days of pain And I’ll bring it up in a grateful prayer” This shirt represents the flowers that have bloomed and will continue to bloom on this very hard journey we are on 💐 Thank you again for all your prayers and support. The money raised will go to any current or future medical needs Summer will have 💛 ✨link to order https://boldbrands.store/collections/summer-strong #summerstrong #medicallycomplex #specialneedsmom #nicumom