The only reason halo players need is “it’s badass” and I think that’s beautiful
2024-11-01 17:30:57
HawkfanI0I :
I always assumed hyper lethal implied they were overall more dangerous then other Spartans from their groups
2024-11-02 00:09:18
ShakenBaked06 :
I always thought it was because they were the player characters. Just a "lore" explanation for that,Like how cheif is considered "lucky" but it's just his plot armor
2024-11-01 17:21:34
Trained_compost :
how come halo 1-4 have chief with no team, but during halo 5 he has blue team?
2024-11-01 19:51:36
Dario Salmeron901 :
I love the hyper lethal idea, although it doesnt fit with chiefs character but I like the idea of chief and noble six are considered special over other Spartans. Fits with Cortana’s picking them both.
2024-11-01 18:16:51
nickbell224 :
Spartan 4s beat noble 6 confirmed 😫🤧
2024-11-01 19:57:30
Phasma :
Last I checked, bungie basically just came out with the title “hyper lethal” for marketing, I don’t think they really intended it to get this far
2024-11-01 20:15:27
Jacob Peters :
Ngl before halo reach I thought Master Chief was the only spartan alive based off the games and not reading any other lore
2024-11-01 20:30:54
let me call ppl idiots tiktok :
Chief being the only hyper lethal II is kinda at odds with the whole "Chief is not functionally the best of the IIs but is still the most well-rounded and versatile" angle of his character
2024-11-01 17:30:13
FlashFire603 :
1. I think the point being is that all Spartans are hyper lethal, but chief and 6 are the only 2 considered hyper lethal vectors, that being an unstoppable force that no matter what is thrown at them
2024-11-01 22:11:39
NotoriousJacob316 :
Bc we play as them
2024-11-01 18:00:38
MyBadBros :
I don’t think it’s that deep, it was cool because it made Spartans stand out for players. It was a good idea, Noble Six was always this figure that was meant to die. They didn’t think that far ahead.
2024-11-01 17:40:07
zzzz :
Wait how is it every spartan is hyper lethal now? Halsey legit said only 6 and Chief have that, are we just ignoring the games now? The only valid question is why does chief have it, instead of concluding it doesn’t make sense and every spartan has it, we don’t even know how or why it’s given, it could be potential, mindset, attitude etc not just accomplishments, the question can be answered instead of ignoring the actual games lol
2024-11-02 03:48:48
🇺🇸Alex🇺🇸 :
It was based off of kill count 😂
2024-11-01 19:52:15
Arun :
how did chiefs team just appear in halo 5 out of nowhere if all the Spartans died ive never (ive never read the comics only played the games)
2024-11-01 18:08:25
NaeNaeNoodle :
If Chief was hyper lethal then wouldn't Fred definitely be hyper lethal??? cause wasn't he holding back cause he didn't want the attention on him?
2024-11-01 17:51:46
Grant :
maybe you’ve explained this before but do you know why the dates in fall of reach book don’t seem to line up with halo reach?
2024-11-01 18:29:39
jcmcfarland1991 :
we need a prequel for Noble 6
2024-11-01 19:43:15
KamiWinter :
People literally ONLY discredit the saying hyper lethal to discredit 6 when the whole point of them saying that is to show equivalency to chief. However I’m expecting the halo community to comprehend.
2024-11-02 14:52:09
JohnOW :
OK, so then just retcon is so it makes more sense as to why chief and 6 were specifically hyper lethal. Making every spartan hyper lethal kills the fantasy of being the protagonist.
2024-11-01 21:21:29
Rage1399 :
I believe it still holds some merit. I mean, look at lore. Chief might not be the best in any category compared to other Spartan 2s, but he’s well rounded enough to make up for it.
2024-11-01 20:54:38
Soon2BSwoleBoi :
I think it makes sense with them both being jack of all trades types(I know that’s for gameplay but still) like the most dangerous spartan is clearly gonna be the one that can just as easily fit in
2024-12-08 02:37:29
Hynathun :
the Halo Lore is super convoluted. Going off the books Blue Team didn't receive Hyper Lethal designation because Reach was their first "non-training" mission. Linda got rocked, Fred was Red Team-
2024-12-28 12:45:36
nate0176 :
To earn hyper lethal, don’t you need to do somein insane like 6 taking out militias before he became a spartan
2024-11-01 17:37:56
BotBot445. :
People think Boba Fett beats Noble 6😭
2024-11-01 17:23:25
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