@lili.kh91: #صحتك #غذائك #اسرار #عن #الصحة_لاتقدر_بثمن #الجسم #خالي من السموم. #اليك #الحل #🍄 🍄 الفطر الريشي او الجانوديرما او ملك الاعشاب #🍄 🍄 إن مسحوق الريشي ( هو مكمل غذائي صحي عالي الجودة أنتجته الشركة بعد أبحاث مستفيضة. وإن خلاصة هذا الفطر متوفرة الآن في شكل جديد. (مسحوق الريشي) : إن استعمال هذا المسحوق لفترات طويلة يزيل المواد السامة من الجسم وبالتالي يحسن صحتك بصورة عامة بهذه الهيئة الجديدة يمكن امتصاصه في الجسم بسرعة ويساعد أيضا على تعجيل عملية الشفاء. مسحوق الريشي عش الغراب يمكن استعماله أيضا خارجيا للتخلص من بعض مشاكل البشرة، حيث أنه يساعد على ازالة قشور فروة الرأس أسفل الشعر، ويخفف أورام وحكة البواسير ويمكن استعماله أيضا للوجه عند خلطه بالماء ثم دهنه على الوجه. #إن استعمال مسحوق الريشي يؤكد #الفوائد التي يمكن أن تقدمها جانوديرما.#للاستفسار #الطلب #التواصل 0096171748573 #تركيا #العراق #الاردن🇯🇴 #اسبانيا #موريتانيا #السعودية #قطر #مصر #الخليج #الامارات

lili kh
lili kh
Open In TikTok:
Region: LB
Friday 01 November 2024 21:53:55 GMT




حًسِـکْأّوٌيِّهّـ🥺♥️ :
بس كيف يستعمل قبل او بعد الاكل
2024-11-03 14:56:48
ديا رامان :
2024-12-19 16:50:22
طريقه الاستخدام الكبسولات
2024-12-16 23:12:11
user281191139381 :
ممكن السعر توصيل محافظات
2024-11-24 16:43:31
Yacoub Noussouradne :
مشاء الله
2024-12-11 16:17:28
الطائر الجريح💔💕🥀 :
ماشاء الله تبارك الرحمن ❤️🌹
2024-12-29 18:39:02
the beautiful 🖤. :
وين الاقيه باليمن؟
2024-12-21 11:13:55
Basbusa :
كيف يمكن اتحصل عليه
2024-11-20 15:41:39
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Other Videos

Decluttering your home can be so overwhelming. I tried to declutter our home so many times over the years and ended up barely making progress and quitting every time. Mostly because of how overwhelmed I would get. It wasn't until I started breaking down my decluttering to small spaces that I started making progress, seeing the huge difference, and leaning into that motivation to keep up with decluttering. I have worked through a few rooms in our house, one small space at a time. I do one drawer, one cabinet, or one shelf at a time so I don't get overwhelmed. And I get motivation from seeing the results quickly and being able to appreciate that space being so much more functional, with an actual home for everything! My goal is to get our home decluttered well and then start working on refining our home management systems. I firmly believe once your home is in a state where everything has a home, it's so much easier to maintain your home. Cleaning becomes so much easier and faster. Instead of being in a constant state of catching up or doing just enough to get by, I want to have systems in place that keep me on pace so I know I will have a time to do everything.  I have two more rooms I'm hoping to wrap up before I really dive into working on my home systems. I know I will continue to declutter, because I don't think decluttering every truly ends. We're always bringing new things into our home and finding things we no longer need. But my hope is that the decluttering will be easier and faster because it's more maintenance than a complete overhall. And I will also have good systems in place to constantly be tidying the areas that I have decluttered. That's definitely the key to maintaining all your hard work! #decluttering #declutterwithme #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutteredhome #declutteryourhome #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #momtips #momhack #momcleaning #momcleaningroutine #declutteringformentalhealth #closetdecluttering #closetorganization #easydeclutteringtips #closetcleanout
Decluttering your home can be so overwhelming. I tried to declutter our home so many times over the years and ended up barely making progress and quitting every time. Mostly because of how overwhelmed I would get. It wasn't until I started breaking down my decluttering to small spaces that I started making progress, seeing the huge difference, and leaning into that motivation to keep up with decluttering. I have worked through a few rooms in our house, one small space at a time. I do one drawer, one cabinet, or one shelf at a time so I don't get overwhelmed. And I get motivation from seeing the results quickly and being able to appreciate that space being so much more functional, with an actual home for everything! My goal is to get our home decluttered well and then start working on refining our home management systems. I firmly believe once your home is in a state where everything has a home, it's so much easier to maintain your home. Cleaning becomes so much easier and faster. Instead of being in a constant state of catching up or doing just enough to get by, I want to have systems in place that keep me on pace so I know I will have a time to do everything. I have two more rooms I'm hoping to wrap up before I really dive into working on my home systems. I know I will continue to declutter, because I don't think decluttering every truly ends. We're always bringing new things into our home and finding things we no longer need. But my hope is that the decluttering will be easier and faster because it's more maintenance than a complete overhall. And I will also have good systems in place to constantly be tidying the areas that I have decluttered. That's definitely the key to maintaining all your hard work! #decluttering #declutterwithme #organizewithme #cleanwithme #declutteredhome #declutteryourhome #declutteringtips #howtodeclutter #momtips #momhack #momcleaning #momcleaningroutine #declutteringformentalhealth #closetdecluttering #closetorganization #easydeclutteringtips #closetcleanout
