@livenowfox: Former President Donald Trump spoke at a #MAGA rally in Greensboro, North Carolina today, a king swing state in the upcoming general national and presidential election in the US on Tuesday next week. Trump spoke about tariffs and claimed China paid him billiona in tariffs
Tariffs are paid by domestic consumers and not the exporting country, but they have the effect of raising the relative prices of imported products. Other trade barriers include quotas, licenses, and s
2024-11-03 13:35:38
Divine :
Forget The President, look at the backup.
Its Elon Musk, Vivek, Ron Paul and JD Vance
Usher, Cardi B, Beyonce and Lebron James
How is this even a competition for who should run the country?
2024-11-03 23:20:43
Pritesh Kido Daji Bh :
That’s pocket change idiot!!! Compared to scope of things!!!😏😏😏