@yvonnekihiu: While travelling prayer has been my constant state of continual communication with God. His guided me and protected me from the things that I cannot see. Prayer has also helped me stay closer to Him and given me peace while I was travelling alone. Jesus is part of the trinity of God and prayer was crucial in His life. How much more should believers devote time in prayer if the saviour of the world sought time with God? In the story of Job it shows us that Job prayed when things were going well in his life. He also continued to pray when he lost everything in his life. Prayer is a reflection of the relationship you have with God and it shouldn’t be determined by our circumstances. We are called to pray without ceasing ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17) meaning in all seasons of our lives #christiantiktok #fyp #prayersneeded #jesusisking #christiangirl