@drevcimik: 1 month after surgery ✨ Natural and stylish male nose 👃🏻 Thank you to my patient for sharing the video 🙏🏻💐 -Explicit consent was taken from the patient for this social media post. All surgical and non-surgical procedures carry specific risks and the same results may not be achieved in every case. These images were taken in accordance with the “Regulation on Promotion and Information in Health Services” dated 29.07.2023 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey. The purpose of this writing is to inform foreign patients. Dr. Muhammed Fatih Evcimik Clinic has been authorized as an International Health Tourism Center by the Ministry of Health ⭐️ Contracted health services with a health tourism authorization certificate for treatments will be held in their organization. #rhinoplasty #drevcimik #septorhinoplasty #nosejob #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #rhinoplastika #rhinoplastyistanbul #rhinoplastyturkey