@veritaneuro: We’d like to introduce you to Makayla, a 16-year-old from the USA 🇺🇸 who sustained a C4-C5 complete spinal cord injury in May 2022 after a tree branch fell on her neck while she was playing on a tire swing. This life-changing accident left Makayla with limited movement, relying on a head-controlled wheelchair for mobility. Now, at our Bangkok 🇹🇭 facility, Makayla has undergone epidural stimulation surgery, with the implantation of two stimulators, along with stem cell treatment. She will be with us for the next 6 weeks, working towards her goal of improving her hand functions so she can control her wheelchair with her fingers and regain enough arm movement to perform tasks like scratching her face and touching her hair—giving her more independence and improving her quality of life. #ReclaimYourStory #SCIRecovery #SpinalCordInjury #StemCellTreatment #EpiduralStimulation #Quadriplegic