@thebarefootsprinter: Are Your Hips Stiff? Or Just Weak? #6 is rough! Most people hardly move their hips. And that means the small muscles that keep your hips supple get stiff. Stretching helps. But you also need to build strength in those deep hip muscles. Like real deep in there. These 6 exercises will help: 1 - End range lifts - 20x/side 2 - End range hip circles - 10x/direction/side 3 - Hip flexor lifts - 30x/side 4 - Gate open/close - 10x/side 5 - Step overs, forward/backward - 10x/side 6 - Straight leg lift overs - 10x/side Make sure to move SLOW! I sped these videos up 2x for time. You need to feel that 🔥!!! - - #walk #run #sprint #hippain #stiffhips #hipmobility #glutes