@ummu.maryam416: Bismillah... Proses mengenal Allah itu sakit...tetapi manis akhir nya.. Allahumma shalli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa'ala Ali sayyidina Muhammad 🤲 #cintaAllah #cintaRasulullah #akhwatbercadar #shalawat #hijrah #abayabatwing #abayahitam #wanita #perempuanmuslimah #selfreminder #Motivasiislami #motivasihidup #akhlak #singlemom #janda

Ummu Maryam.S💚🇮🇩
Ummu Maryam.S💚🇮🇩
Open In TikTok:
Region: ID
Wednesday 06 November 2024 13:55:30 GMT




tiyas :
maa syaaAllah kata2nya sngt me memotivasi. sy brada d titik terendah sjk dtggal suami 2 th lalu & skrg berusaha bngkit🙏
2024-12-06 13:39:36
San Tyz :
mohon ijin posting ya ummu bolleh kah smg bermangfaat🙏🙏
2025-01-19 02:05:51
FitriAbi1212 :
sm bnget aap yg ummu rsakn ,,spt apa yg kualami ummu,,sehat sellu ya ummu😊
2024-11-08 00:05:36
Rabiatul adawiah :
ya Allah ,betul sekali.ijin share
2024-11-06 23:33:53
user6841425081777 :
nikah lagi bangun kehidupan lagi
2025-01-20 05:03:40
windah :
ya Allah ..itulah diri ku maaf boleh akak ambil ayatnya
2024-11-20 01:51:56
Zaiton Maimunah :
InshaaAllah semuga Allah permudahkan segala urrusan..Aamiin..Salam 1 Rejab dek🥰
2025-01-01 00:17:38
Han :
sy pernah ad di fase itu smp nangis pun sudah ga bisa & Alhamdulillah Allah menuntun sy utk bisa melewati semuanya itu & akhirnya sy memutuskan utk berhijab🙏
2024-12-30 06:42:41
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Replying to @$1CK #SocialMedia, a double-edged sword indeed. After reading the variety of comments on that video out loud to Lulu, she said, “DANG, can’t an old lady just get some REM without everyone thinking she was halfway to Heaven?!”  😆 For real though, every time we have a video “go viral”, it comes with the cost of a wild comment section. It’s because our content is reaching a new audience, as opposed to reaching our usual supporters.  Don’t get me wrong, these online platforms are an absolute blessing - you guys know that I frequently refer to you all as our “social media family”. It’s incredible that our nonprofit is essentially fully funded through “online exhibition” on social media.  Unfortunately, people have the ability to scroll upon random videos without having any prior context about the characters in said videos, and they don’t usually take the extra minute to scope out the creator’s profile before commenting or making a judgement.  Thus, we get a LOT of negative comments on any of our videos that get millions of views. It’s not our usual positive, upbeat comment section that is created by our lovely group of fans. And quite honestly - playing devil’s advocate here - I could see why some videos could be questionable if you had NO idea what I do here. For example, I agree that it’s sad to see wild animals “in cages”. So if you stumbled upon one random video of me in an enclosure with a fox, without knowing I run a sanctuary, I could understand why a non-follower would comment something like, “Why does she have that poor fox locked in a cage?! She should let it go!” Being able to step back and attempt to understand the POV of negative commenters makes dealing with them way easier.  (It does also help that my followers often reply to sassy comments before I even see them - I notice that, guys. 🫶🏼😉) Granted… I’m human, so there are still occasional comments that make me roll my eyes and think, “Couldn’t they take two seconds to look at my profile? Why doesn’t common sense exist anymore?” 😂 The plus side? Comments are fantastic for the algorithm. Which means they benefit our rescue, regardless of the context. 👏🏼  #wildlife #rescue #fox #animals #reality
Replying to @$1CK #SocialMedia, a double-edged sword indeed. After reading the variety of comments on that video out loud to Lulu, she said, “DANG, can’t an old lady just get some REM without everyone thinking she was halfway to Heaven?!” 😆 For real though, every time we have a video “go viral”, it comes with the cost of a wild comment section. It’s because our content is reaching a new audience, as opposed to reaching our usual supporters. Don’t get me wrong, these online platforms are an absolute blessing - you guys know that I frequently refer to you all as our “social media family”. It’s incredible that our nonprofit is essentially fully funded through “online exhibition” on social media. Unfortunately, people have the ability to scroll upon random videos without having any prior context about the characters in said videos, and they don’t usually take the extra minute to scope out the creator’s profile before commenting or making a judgement. Thus, we get a LOT of negative comments on any of our videos that get millions of views. It’s not our usual positive, upbeat comment section that is created by our lovely group of fans. And quite honestly - playing devil’s advocate here - I could see why some videos could be questionable if you had NO idea what I do here. For example, I agree that it’s sad to see wild animals “in cages”. So if you stumbled upon one random video of me in an enclosure with a fox, without knowing I run a sanctuary, I could understand why a non-follower would comment something like, “Why does she have that poor fox locked in a cage?! She should let it go!” Being able to step back and attempt to understand the POV of negative commenters makes dealing with them way easier. (It does also help that my followers often reply to sassy comments before I even see them - I notice that, guys. 🫶🏼😉) Granted… I’m human, so there are still occasional comments that make me roll my eyes and think, “Couldn’t they take two seconds to look at my profile? Why doesn’t common sense exist anymore?” 😂 The plus side? Comments are fantastic for the algorithm. Which means they benefit our rescue, regardless of the context. 👏🏼 #wildlife #rescue #fox #animals #reality
