@alisonistoxinfree: Replying to @amamomma07 No judgement if you steal your kids candy, I'm just honestly happy i don't have the temptation to at the moment! I'm on my third cleanse with this product, i knew doing it before the holiday season was a good idea. I'm currently on the 2-3 weeks break, then I continue for 2 more weeks, and then the cleanse is done. Each time I do this cleanse my biggest change i notice is sugar cravings being non existent, more energy, and a calmer tummy. I have a whole playlist on cleansing, if you need any tips or guidance just let me know! #gutcleanse #detoxdrink #detox #detoxification #candida #naturalremedies #gurunanda #sugarcravings @Puneet Nanda bridge the gap