@hurleyaviation: The USMC F-35c Lightning II, demonstrated it’s ability to slow to a comlete stop amd hover like a helicopter. This amazing 5th Generation Multi-Purpose aircraft is classified as a STOVL Type Aircraft. Which translates to “Short Takeoff Vertical Landing”. Using it’s ability to redirect the jet engine nozzle as well as a fan duct near the front if the aircraft, the F-35a can operate like a normal or do short takeoffs and vertical landings. Making this aircraft one if the most versatile aircraft in servive today. It can use traditional runways or land and takeoff in bery confined spaces. There are different variants of the F-35 in production. #f35 #f35c #f35lightningii #f35clightningii #f35demoteam #hurleyaviation #aircrafthovering #hovering #airshowmaneuvers #f35Hud #f35helmet #airshowdisplay