@injiverse: i’m doing a BAD job explaining it in the video so here it goes: the stigma of age and agism in the world (and the music industry) was a horrible slap in the face for me. It’s also a sexist one, because we choose to judge women by their age so much more than men. I have literally heard music executives refer to 30 year old men as “in the beggining of their career” while using that same age to define a female artist reaching the end of theirs. The music industry starts to pressure women to “hide” and dissapear as they start growing into and looking like adults… it judges women who haven’t had their moment by a certain age so so much more harshly than it does men. This idea that I have to be sexy and desirable to a male gaze to be successful in my music drove me absolutely crazy. I had anxiety attacks about my… 24th birthday. It’s ridiculous, it doesn’t have a space for my version of the world, SO I REJECT IT! we’ll be sexy for ever and ever and ever and no man will have a say in what that means or looks like 😘 #feminist #behindthesong