@ttc.prison.wife: I'm a prison wife and have been trying to conceive with my husband while he is still incarcerated for 15 cycles. I'm waiting patiently for my blood serum tests to come in but in the meantime I'm looking to hopefully see some line progression from my 12 DPO AM test...because why not keep testing...we are still unsure 🫤 #pending #testresults #wifeymaterial #wifey #incarcerated #conjugalvisit #conjugal #babyfever #prisonwifelife #prisonwife #jailtok #jailwife #ttc #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #infertility #infertilityjourney #infertilityawareness #infertilitycommunity #prisontok #beagle #hounddog #myfurbaby #hcg #hpt #patience #waitingpatiently #itistime