@sibonisospeedy: Past the mirage of glitz and supposed success lies herewith a man fiercely loyal to family, family which extends beyond to non blood related family which we create along the way, also extending familyship right through to those we consider departed of who's honour he upholds even though they shall never be seen by the naked eye . A man fiercely loyal to any man or woman that extends the same courtesy to him. A culturally and traditionaly grounded man with tremendous battle scars hidden behind a timid smile, an extensive sense of humility and respect impounded by the teachings of the elderly departed. A man with so many mistakes and successes all molded in one to form a 41 year old him. Here stands a man who appreciates anothers smile more than he does his even when it has cut him many times for being of such character. A tried and tested navigator of opportunities and a relentless risk lover. Know this...... I am him and he is me.