@thecollinskids: The world is going to scream to you all the reasons you shouldn’t trust God and instead trust your own wisdom. Yesterday I was recording videos for a class I’m teaching and came to a revelation. Its common sense but something clicked. When we ask ourselves after each child…should we stop having children or continue…we are really asking should i keep trusting God to give life in his will and time or should i stop trusting him? As believers we would never say its ok to stop trusting God. It’s the definition of our belief. But when we live in our will and wisdom, the root is that we dont actually trust God. It’s that easy. Many people will whisper lies and shame you (or make disgusting YouTube videos about you) for trusting God because honestly any faith is radical these days even though a few generations ago it was normal. Shut out the noise and live unashamed for God. #family #faith #justdoit #itallcomesdowntofaith