@cookplansharing: 【Rice Cooker Series Plan 4】 One-Pot Rice Cooker Stir-Fried Rice Noodles – this method saves so much time, perfect for a quick meal or even dinner for two! Let’s give it a try! 一锅熟电饭煲炒米粉你get✅了吗? 不论是一个人的午餐还是两个人的晚餐,用这个方法真的太节省时间了!一起试试吧~ 材料 Ingredients: ▪️米粉 Rice Noodles ▪️肉碎 Minced Meat ▪️鱼饼 Fish Cake ▪️包菜 Cabbage ▪️红萝卜 Carrot ▪️蒜末 Garlic ▪️葱末 Onion 调味 To Taste: ▪️蚝油 Oyster Sauce ▪️生抽 Soy Sauce ▪️胡椒粉 White Pepper ▪️香菇粉 Mushroom ▪️黑酱油 Dark Soy Sauce ▪️适量清水 Some Water 🔺材料方面可以按照自己的喜好选择哦! You can choose the ingredients based on your preferences! #cookplan #cooking #homecooking #easymeals #EasyRecipe #recipeoftheday #recipeshare #recipes #eathealthy #foodporn #food #Foodie #FoodLover #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #comfortfood #ricecooker #ricecookerrecipe #ricenoodles #quickmeals #quickrecipes