@metroentertainment: Why wasn’t @loveisland Legend @maurahigginsincluded in the@imacelebrity line-up? ⭐️ Well it turns out, she was spotted on a date with reality star @p_wicks001 just days before she’s reported set to fly to Australia. 🇦🇺 It’s said that Maura would joining the likes of @gkbarry and Coleen Rooney on I’m A Celebrity, and reportedly will likely be a latecomer with Reverend Richard Coles. 👀 📲 Follow for popular entertainment content and more. #imacelebrity #antanddec #maurahiggins #maura #LoveIsland #gkbarry #coleenrooney #fyp #uktv #tvnews #australia #itv #tulisa #petewicks