@transition_justice: Detransitioner @thekatepond discusses the serious impacts taking testosterone had on her mental and physical health. If you or your child were negatively affected by gender medicine, contact us for support and to learn more about your legal options. #transitionjustice #detransitioning #detransition #testosterone #genderaffirmingcare #legalassistance #fyp
So sorry you went through this.it just isn't right.thank you for sharing your story.it makes SUCH a difference even if sometimes it may feel like it doesn't.ur so brave and stronger than you know. ♥️
2024-11-14 06:17:08
Meg less :
Thank you so much for helping us to understand what you have gone through.
2024-11-13 02:52:03
aropeofsand :
thank you for sharing ❤️
2024-11-13 06:16:39
thekatepond :
Thank you to @Cat Cattinson for letting me share my experience!
2024-11-13 03:33:29
Roman Mccoy :
so sad you had to experience that
2024-11-13 05:13:51
Frankie :
She looks great if I may say
2024-11-13 06:31:40
pumpkinpie56272 :
Just because you had a bad experience with testosterone doesn’t mean anyone should use their unfortunate events to take away life saving medications from people like me.
2024-11-18 07:43:07
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