@titikputih._: langkah awal pembentukkan karakter itu di rumah👍 #parentingtips #psikologiindonesia #parenting #speaker #motivation #titikputihbyintanerlita #parentinghacks @Intan Erlita, Psikolog

Titik Putih
Titik Putih
Open In TikTok:
Region: ID
Thursday 14 November 2024 16:22:20 GMT




Dwi Marini :
2024-11-17 13:25:28
𝑵𝒊𝒔𝒂 ☽ :
rasanya pengen di jadiin story WA, biar ortu murid pada liat status gueee 😂
2024-11-16 23:52:22
Diah Trie Wahyuni :
tapi emng fakta si lingukan maen anak kita bisa mempengaruhi, soalnya saya sllu jaga sikap dan ngomong kasar pun gak pernah,bahkan ngomong jorok juga gak pernah,tp ank ku bsa ngmg jrok stlh plg maen
2024-11-14 23:50:57
qolbitu :
menurut sy lingkungan yg paling dominan
2024-11-15 03:33:28
Nou :
ooo, yayyaya. faham. kuatkan dulu pondasi di rumah, mana baik mana buruk, jadi dia mau ke mana aja udh punya pondasi kuat, gak terpengaruh
2024-11-15 09:55:34
Luvya :
dirumah baik2 aja... ortu ga ada yg ksh cth tabiat buruk, disekolah berprestasi tp setelah kenal si A, B atau C, si anak jd berubah... ms ga boleh salahin lingkungan?
2024-11-17 03:27:52
lilis :
salah satu doa yg selalu kupanjatkan setiap malam : "YaAllah berikanlah sekolah yg baik, guru yg baik, dn temen2 yg baik untuk anakku" 🤲
2024-11-14 22:59:47
arrafif :
di rumah q jaga banget omongan ,tapi gak tau dapet omongan kebun binatang dari mana🤦
2024-11-15 00:15:55
chah cha :
tp nyatanya lingkungan sangat berpengaruh besar drpd dirumah .... cukup min 1 bln aja ke lingkungan, sdh bisa merubah pola yg ada drmh😁
2024-11-17 02:52:55
DesiLia :
tp untuk usia dini, ngaruh bgt si lingkungan, makanya aku selagi anak belum sekolah, Jarang bgt aku kasih main diluar rumah, krn aku menjaga karakter anak aku
2024-11-15 00:57:53
FaSha Collection :
lingkungan sih pengaruh besar
2024-11-15 07:16:18
allonaarkhan :
buk nyatanya lingkungan lebih pengaruhi watak anak tu akan berubah.
2024-11-15 01:52:08
Milmil :
fondasinya ada dirumah yah bapak ibu, jadi harus kokoh. 🤗
2024-11-19 14:09:37
endang :
setuju.tetapi.kebanyakan pengaruh lingkungan bu
2024-11-15 00:12:00
Desy :
menurutku lingkungan emang yg dominan lebih berpengaruh kak.
2024-11-15 04:37:51
Ig okidwstt_ :
bismillahirrahmanirrahim bisa sekolahin anakku di sekolah yang bagus pertemeannanya .. dan ada uangnya berlebih aamiin
2024-11-14 21:57:07
Titin Rafandra :
tp anak kadang dirumah terjaga bnget gk pernah ngmong kasar,bahkan kt org tua TDK pernah ngmong kasar kok didipn anak..🤣
2024-12-06 10:32:19
anwaralwinanto :
Nah ada sekolah yang bikin even lomba PUBG sama Free Fire. Gimana tuh bu
2024-11-15 02:39:36
Emak zafran & aidil :
lingkungan ttp paling dominan
2024-11-15 05:43:00
wts kulkas 99 pintu :
Tp emang real banget lingkungan besar pengaruhnya… di rumah sifat anak kamuflase… mau liat asli ya di lingkungannya 😏
2024-11-15 05:37:09
anak sebelah :
dengerin para orang tua
2024-11-15 11:26:41
Diah Trie Wahyuni :
intinya pengaruh lingkungan dan teman maen intu sangatlah mempengaruhi untuk anak2,,jgnkan anak2 yg ibu2 aja kdgan masih bisa kebawa2 😁
2024-11-15 05:39:23
Mas Huda :
ada namanya teori konvergensi, jadi selain di rumah... lingkungan juga berpengaruh besar dalam perkembangan anak.
2024-11-15 03:34:15
Alfarezzi Kavindra :
sy guru TK. setuju dgn hal ini pnya bbrp siswa yg walaupun tmn ngmng apa gk bkal ikut krn dri rmh sdh tau bahwa ada bbrp kalimat tdk boleh diucapkan dan ortu ksh konsekuensi yg jelas kl ank melanggar
2024-11-17 03:56:07
BendaharaRT :
kak intan erlita tau nya dl pemain sinetron .. ya Allah skrng sdh jd psikolog
2024-11-15 04:52:12
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Other Videos

2 of 3 in DC (so far) at 3541 14th St NW.  Bioluminescent Beings.  Like all my best murals I start by having no idea what I’m doing 🙂 I’ll take note on how the “audience”, especially the particular neighborhood I’m in will view and move through the space, after that it’s always different and I love that.  Some projects require a clear vision, but others allow for me to develop ideas organically in relation to whats there.  My process usually begins with a palette of neon colors for their stunning qualities along with a lot of black and white. I tend to develop a design with some kind of a figure with emphasis on the gesture, face or hands that resonates in perspective. Truly, these are the most universal symbols, meaning 10,000 things. To me they are the main focus but are also gateways into other ideas. Neon is a language spoken by Bioluminescent creatures and is the most widely used language on the planet and has been for eons. We ourselves emit light on various spectrums. It is believed that Adam and Eve radiated light before separation from God. A friend said this mural reminded him of that story. I can see it. ✨🍎✨ Often I will finish a piece and not know what it means until later. Sometimes I know. Thanks to @makaryahmed for making it all happen. @veraluna28 for your help and company and my brother Aymenn at the shop! Oh yeah. I almost wasn’t gonna note this but it’s pretty significant to me. A lady from the neighborhood came in at the beginning of this and saw me working, then came in again when I was finishing up but this time while she was looking I saw tears running down her face.  I was moved that she was moved so I had a tear in my eye too 🥲🫂. She was looking at the figures on the ceiling and said, “I want that kind of peace”🕊️ I almost felt like she saw my soul right then and I could see hers. I knew she been through it, without even knowing her I knew her. You know? Crazy. Her name was Fefe. Anyway. Thank you Fefe. ✌️
2 of 3 in DC (so far) at 3541 14th St NW. Bioluminescent Beings. Like all my best murals I start by having no idea what I’m doing 🙂 I’ll take note on how the “audience”, especially the particular neighborhood I’m in will view and move through the space, after that it’s always different and I love that. Some projects require a clear vision, but others allow for me to develop ideas organically in relation to whats there. My process usually begins with a palette of neon colors for their stunning qualities along with a lot of black and white. I tend to develop a design with some kind of a figure with emphasis on the gesture, face or hands that resonates in perspective. Truly, these are the most universal symbols, meaning 10,000 things. To me they are the main focus but are also gateways into other ideas. Neon is a language spoken by Bioluminescent creatures and is the most widely used language on the planet and has been for eons. We ourselves emit light on various spectrums. It is believed that Adam and Eve radiated light before separation from God. A friend said this mural reminded him of that story. I can see it. ✨🍎✨ Often I will finish a piece and not know what it means until later. Sometimes I know. Thanks to @makaryahmed for making it all happen. @veraluna28 for your help and company and my brother Aymenn at the shop! Oh yeah. I almost wasn’t gonna note this but it’s pretty significant to me. A lady from the neighborhood came in at the beginning of this and saw me working, then came in again when I was finishing up but this time while she was looking I saw tears running down her face. I was moved that she was moved so I had a tear in my eye too 🥲🫂. She was looking at the figures on the ceiling and said, “I want that kind of peace”🕊️ I almost felt like she saw my soul right then and I could see hers. I knew she been through it, without even knowing her I knew her. You know? Crazy. Her name was Fefe. Anyway. Thank you Fefe. ✌️
