@bryntaponn: I started dieting when I was 11. I’ve cried because I ate carbs. Told myself I wasn’t hungry when my body needed fuel. I’ve starved myself. I’ve binged and obsessed over food. Punished my body for eating a meal. Counted every calorie humanly possible. Weight loss was tough but the fight for food freedom simply changed my life. The balance is so much more beautiful than living in fear or obsession and its not easy - trust me, but I’ve never felt more at ease with food. I know I’ll be working on my relationship with food forever so here are some things i still need to hear sometimes: Food is not earned. It is not “good” or “bad” it just is. You’re allowed to eat even if you haven’t worked out. Even if you’ve gained weight. Even if you don’t know the nutritional value of something. Food can be fun and it’s fuel and you deserve to eat🤍✨ily . . #CapCut #foodfreedom #weightlossprogress #dietculturedropout #fyp #weightlosstransformation