@pianoteofficial: Kevin Castro Hears Dua Lipa's 'Training Season' For The First Time Pt 1. Join Pianote Instructor Kevin Castro as he hears and re creates Dua Lipa’s Training season for the very first time. Not only will you be in awe of Kevin’s incredible ear and musical creativity, but you will also get a behind the scenes look at what goes on in the mind of a professional pianist and educator Kevin explains his process and the theory behind his arrangement. Watch the full video on the Pianote YouTube channel. @kevincastro #dualipa #dualipacover #dualipacovers #coversong #coverartist #dualipamusic #pianocover #pianocovers #pianoperformance #pianolove #pianovocals #dualipasongs #pianotutorial #pianolife #pianoplayer #pianistsoftiktok #pianotok