@beautybykatguthealth: Hormone levels change from day to day…hour to hour. Our bodies run by the circadian rhythm (the night and day cycle) and many of our hormones fluctuate over the night and day. Unless the imbalance is really severe, it will most likely not be picked up. When there’s a mild hormone imbalance, you’ll often find blood tests come back normal. So, if you get your blood tests back and they look normal, it doesn’t necessarily mean that things are normal, it just means that things aren’t profoundly out of balance. And normal is not optimal for most of us. If you are having symptoms of imbalance…you probably have hormonal imbalances. I use an all natural hormone pack to help with metabolic hormones, cortisol (aka stress hormones) and reproductive hormones. It’s in my links. If you’d like to chat, use the info in there as well! Or comment HORMONES! Make sure you’re following so I can private message you! #red#reducecortisolt#guthealthn#mentalwellnessr#hormonest#guthealtht#naturaln#menopauser#hormonepacka#beautybykatr#cortisolcontrollerturalhealth