@feelthediver: Diver Will Bradley getting into the decompression chamber after a mixed-gas dive at 190ft. Chamber operator:@jasonshirley305 #commercialdiving #diverlife #mixedgasdiving #decompressionchamber #offshorelife
So I’m curious how this works.. he goes in and you pressurize it full of air? And over time release pressure slowly?
2024-11-17 06:48:21
Liam Paul :
How long do you have from coming up to getting into the chamber before the bends kick in?
2024-11-17 19:36:48
Michael Graham :
I know nothing about this stuff, what happens if you don’t do that?
2024-11-17 08:10:48
jimlandsurvey :
Nothing but Respect
2024-11-17 02:53:03
Arkle :
The Byford Dolphin incident sticks out in my mind every time I think about diving. Respect for the work you do, gotta trust your coworkers like family. Hell, you see em more often.
2024-11-18 16:13:53
christinemarie :
I saw this on outer banks
2024-11-18 13:59:37
Jeff_goldblum_sex_slave :
Is there like, a comfy bed to nap in, or a book to read? Or something to play games on? Or does he just sit there and stare at the walls? Lol
2024-11-18 15:31:08
Nobody Really :
the fact that's not 2k an hour is beyond me. meanwhile the oilagarks are worth billions
2024-11-19 03:29:13
2/506 CURRAHEE. Grunt :
So people understand. He comes up to 50 feet does a Deco comes to the surface strips his gear fast gets in the chamber and decos the rest b4he gets bent. this is better than Hours deco in the water
2024-11-17 16:39:03
Archit Widjaja :
Diving decompression chamber 👌🏻
2024-11-17 06:53:38
Tootoe :
I'll never forget when my ex had a diving accident and got the bends. was the most horrific thing I've witnessed. 4 days pressure treatment looked the worst
2024-11-17 12:20:12
Max :
I think I’ll stick to welding on solid land but that’s sick
2024-11-17 18:08:52
SunnysideUpTom :
I was in a Hyperbaric Chamber, and at the time I didn’t realize why I was in there, but I later learned that it saved my life
2024-11-17 13:52:53
DuckSauce50 :
Rest well and recover quickly. I appreciate what you do so much, respect! ✊
2024-11-17 02:55:28
Rabbit :
Probably a hell of a ride. We have 65 min of deco after 30 min dive at that depth.
2024-11-17 03:23:35
Martin :
I did not know that you can be in normal pressure before decompression at all. Why is this?
2024-11-17 08:38:01
rambo_rony :
I saw Ocean gate not a chance much respect thoo
2024-11-17 06:20:02
bigmachine662002 :
How longs he have to do that
2024-11-17 03:21:42
D-Rackz :
Im not familiar with diving what happens if u Dont decompress
2024-11-17 15:33:08
ClungeVision :
I worked with Leigh Bishop, he used to dive alot deeper but never used a chamber, just managed it himself. Mind you, he's as mad as a box of frogs!
2024-11-17 10:26:27
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